“My nickname at school was glue. I don’t know why, it just seemed to stick”

Many people have school nicknames. “Ever since school my nickname has been glue, and its stuck ever since” was posted on Twitter on June 20, 2012. “My nickname at school was glue. I don’t know why, it just seemed to stick” was posted on Reddit—Jokes on July 11, 2017.
King Kunta‏
Ever since school my nickname has been glue, and its stuck ever since
5:31 AM - 20 Jun 2012
my nickname at school was glue, no idea why but it stuck.
3:20 PM - 30 Oct 2012
Annakin Skywanker‏
My nickname Glue Feet came about when I stepped in a pool of glue, one time in college. It stuck.
3:39 PM - 16 Jul 2013
Alex Moore‏
@BBCR1 my nickname throughout school was ‘pasty’. Apparently it looked like I was eating glue paste in art once. Ironically, it stuck..
9:03 AM - 20 Jan 2014 from Tías, Spain
My nickname at school was glue
submitted July 11, 2017 by DatAsymptoteTho
I don’t know why, it just seemed to stick