“My kid beat up your honor student” (bumper sticker)

Many automobile bumper stickers declare that a driver’s child has made a school’s honor roll. “My kid beat up your honor student” is a jocular bumper sticker reply. “My kid can beat up your honor student” has been cited in print since at least 1990, when it was credited to “local funnyman George McKelvey” (of Denver, CO).
A similar hockey adage is “If you can’t beat ‘em, beat ‘em up.” Similar bumper stickers include “My kid got your honor student pregnant” and “Your child may be an honor student, but you’re still an idiot.” “My kid is an honor student & my president is an idiot” was a bumper sticker in the 2000s, during the presidency of George W. Bush.
21 September 1990, Rocky Mountain News (Denver, CO), “Let your fleet feet fete your old alma mater” by Bill Husted:
How about this bumper sticker seen Wednesday: MY KID CAN BEAT UP YOUR HONOR STUDENT.
3 October 1990, Rocky Mountain News (Denver, CO), “Tabloid TV loves tale of guy-gal cheerleader” by Bill Husted:
It’s local funnyman George McKelvey who printed the bumper sticker mentioned in this column recently: MY KID CAN BEAT UP YOUR HONOR STUDENT.
29 July 1991, Orlando (FL) Sentinel, “Letters are seasoning in the barbecue of life” by Bob Morris, pg. B1:
It’s just that I got a chuckle out of one I saw that read “My Kid Just Beat Up Your Honor Student.” I appreciated the sarcasm. What’s sarcasm? Look it up.
Google News Archive
15 January 1992, The Blade (Toledo, OH), “Good grades get discount at Deveaux” by Holden Lewis, Neighbors/West, pg. W-1, col. 3:
In a time of bumper stickers that say, “My kid beat up your honors student,” and there actually is peer pressure to slough off in school, the Deveaux program tries to make it fashionable to get good grades.
13 May 1992, Syracuse (NY) Herald-Journal, “The Bumper as a Personal Billboard” by Linda Shrieves (Orlando Sentinel), pg. T11, col. 5:
The proud parent school, ranging from simply naming the child’s college to the current rage, “My Child is an Honor Student at…”
Which, of course, provides the straight line for the comedy school, which has fired back: “My Kid Beat Up Your Honor Student.”
Linda Shrieves
Google Books
Quality Management for Educational Technology Services:
A guide to application of the Deming management method for district, university, and regional media & technology centers

By Mark L. Richie
Washington, DC: Association for Educational Communications and Technology
Pg. 69:
The Effect of Ranking People (The Bumper Sticker Effect)
OCLC WorldCat record
My kid beat up your Honors Student : collegiate intergroup attitudes about honors students
Author: Nicole L Nieset
Publisher: Columbus, Ohio : Ohio State University, 2000.
Edition/Format:   Book : English
Google Books
Bodies in Technology
By Don Ihde
Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press
Pg. 19:
The bumper stickers that proclaim “My child is an honors student at ____ School” are countered by “My child beat up your honors student” on other bumper stickers.
U.S. News and World Report
Study: Aggressive Drivers Tend to Have Bumper Stickers
Posted: Jun 19, 2008 11:38 a.m.   
According to CSU researchers, a Prius with a “My Child is an Honors Student” sticker on the bumper is about as likely to cut you off as an Expedition with a “My Kid Beat Up Your Honors Student” sticker.
Democratic Underground
Wed Oct-19-11 11:01 PM
“My kid beat up your honor student.”
Am I the only one gets pissed off when I see these bumper stickers? I saw one today and it just pissed me off. Maybe, I’m overreacting, but I don’t think joking or being proud of kids for bullying is a good thing. Granted, I could understand how people get annoyed with those “My child is an honor student” bumper stickers, but I think these are much worse. Whenever I see these bumper stickers I always think the should read something like “My kid is an immature bully with self-esteem issues and emotional problems, that I am failing to address as a parent.” I really don’t think we should be even jokingly encouraging bullying. Once again, I may be overreacting and I am hardly unbiased since I got picked on some growing up.