“My favorite position is CEO” (“A woman’s favorite position is CEO”)

“My favorite position is CEO” (or “A woman favorite position is CEO”) is a jocular line that has been printed on many gift items, such as bumper stickers, T-shirts and coffee mugs. “A woman’s favorite position is CEO” has been cited in print since at least January 1999, when it was spotted on a bumper sticker.
“My favorite position is CEO” was cited on Twitter on March 25, 2009.
Google Groups: alt.christnet.theology
New sayings that should be on buttons…
robert pavlik
67. A woman’s favorite position is CEO.
Google Groups: pdx.singles
HUMOR: You! Off my planet!
Scott Rainey
[This list is longer than I usually share, but most of these are new to me and all are amusing—slr]
Sayings that should be on bumper stickers, T-Shirts, or buttons:
A woman’s favorite position is CEO.
23 January 1999, Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ), “Retrying Keating ‘a shame,’ friend complains” by Eileen Bailey, pg. 1:
BUMPER SNICKER: Seen on a black BMW: “A woman’s favorite position is CEO.”
Google Groups: alt.humor.puns
Puns of the Weak 09-19-03 Part II The Rest of the Puns
Stan Kegel
A woman’s favorite position is CEO. (E4Fun)
A woman’s favorite position is CEO.
3:06 AM - 5 Nov 2008
Kimberly Steward
@TJsDJs My favorite position is CEO.  Lol
10:03 PM - 25 Mar 2009
Us magazine
Lauren Conrad Answers What Her Favorite “Position” Is: Video
February 9, 2014 @ 10:05 AM
By Stephanie Webber
During an appearance on Sway Calloway’s Sway in the Morning, Conrad, 28, pulled several questions out of a hat to answer. She quickly replied to all of them, but got stuck when asked: “What’s your favorite position?”
After an awkward pause, she quipped: “CEO.”
Google Books
The CEO’s Little Surprise
By Kat Cantrell
Buffalo, NY: Harlequin
Pg. ?:
Cassandra Claremont’s favorite position is CEO—and she’s sure as hell not stepping down for Gage Branson, the sexy playboy who once broke her heart.
Dear man in public wearing the “My favorite position is CEO” shirt, I applaud you.
7:23 PM - 3 Jun 2016