“My brain has too many tabs open”

“My brain has too many tabs open”—that is, a person (like a computer) is too busy with too much work—is a jocular one-line saying that has been printed on many images. “I feel like my brain has too many tabs open and I’m leaking memory” was posted on Twitter on January 15, 2009.
“My brain has too many tabs open” was posted on Twitter on May 5, 2010. “My mind is like an internet browser. I have 19 tabs open, 3 of them are frozen, and I have no idea where the music is coming from” is a related saying.
Toby Daniels‏
I feel like my brain has too many tabs open and I’m leaking memory.
10:14 PM - 15 Jan 2009
Bob Buckham‏
Seems like I’m finding out how many tabs Firefox can have open til PC has a #brainfart… I think my brain has too many tabs open right now
10:26 PM - 6 Jul 2009
Christopher Bratlien‏
my brain has too many tabs open
8:23 PM - 5 May 2010
Chris Walton‏
Your brain has too many tabs open, no wonder you’re not sleeping #shitmyfianceesays
11:38 PM - 27 Jan 2011
Matt Argüello‏
My brain has too many tabs open.
12:17 PM - 21 Apr 2011
The Atlantic
Serenity Now: Clear Your Tabs, Clear Your Mind (With One Glorious Click)
The Chrome extension for the overly tabbed

Is your computer running at a turtle’s pace because you have just way too many tabs open? Can you not see the Gchat alert blinking because your tab has been compressed to the size of pinky toenail? Does it sometimes feel like your brain has too many tabs open?
TEEN 02/21/2014 07:35 pm ET Updated Mar 15, 2014
Best Teen Tweets Of The Week! (2/21/2014)
Anthony Quintal ✔@lohanthony
my brain has too many tabs open
9:00 PM - Feb 18, 2014
Men’s Humor‏
My brain has too many tabs open.
1:00 PM - 5 Nov 2014
Cool Mom—Tech
The perfect shirt for geeks. And well, all busy parents, everywhere.
The perfect shirt for geeks. And well, all busy parents, everywhere.
If you work on your computer all day like I do, and well, like many of us do these days, my guess is that you can totally relate to this funny geeky shirt. But really, any busy parent can probably relate to the sentiment too because oh the juggling, right?
I’m guilty of having at least 10 tabs open at a time, maybe more, on my computer, and well, let’s be honest here, in my life. With kids, and work, and um, kids. Sound familiar?
Google Books
The Curse of Tenth Grave:
A Novel

By Darynda Jones
New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press
Pg. 7:
“They aren’t there for him to read, anyway,” she added as she picked at the sleeve of my T-shirt that read MY BRAIN HAS TOO MANY TABS OPEN.
Times Higher Education
Disability on Campus: ‘My brain has too many applications running simultaneously’
This week, Times Higher Education is publishing a series of stories about life on campus with a disability. Here, Anna Nibbs writes about her autism
May 16, 2017