Muppetry (muppet + puppetry)

Entry in progress—B.P.
The Telegraph (UK)
What would Kermit make of such muppetry?
Goldman Sachs needn’t fear copyright lawyers, but they might need to smooth-talk their clients.

By Allan Massie9:09PM GMT 15 Mar 2012
The investment banker Greg Smith, departing in umbrage or disillusion from Goldman Sachs, reveals that it is customary there to refer to some of their clients as “muppets”. This suggests that they are regarded as persons of no consequence, sheep for the shearing, if not lambs for the slaughter. The Muppet Corporation is highly offended, and there is, reportedly, talk of legal action, Muppet being a registered trade name.
Fiona Slee
Muppetry for bankers Muppets strike back at Goldman Sachs -
2:16 AM - 28 Mar 12
Zero Hedge
Head Of Fortress Recommends Investing In Bitcoin
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/24/2013 19:51 -0400
Thu, 10/24/2013 - 21:46
muppetry.  LOL and you wonder why I come here 100 times a day.  for everything else, there is faggotry bitches.

Fri, 10/25/2013 - 10:14
word of the day: Muppetry. Now go and use it in your everday life.