Mr. Sands (code name used in a theater)

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Wikipedia: Inspector Sands
“Inspector Sands” is a code phrase used by public transport authorities in the United Kingdom, including Network Rail and London Underground, to alert staff to a fire alarm without needing to evacuate the station. The exact wording depends on the station and the nature of the incident. For example: “Would Inspector Sands please report to the operations room immediately.” or “Would Inspector Sands please report to Platform 2”.
The code phrase “Mr. Sands” was used in theatres, where sand buckets were used to put out fires, as a code for fire. The word “fire” backstage would cause alarm to either performers or the audience.
A Glossary of Theatre Terms
copyright, Peter D. Lathan 1996-1999
Mr Sands
Theatrical code name to warn theatre employees of a fire without frightening the audience. “Mr Sands is in the foyer” means that fire has broken out in the foyer.