Moonbatmobile (moonbat + automobile)

A “moonbatmobile” (moonbat + automobile) is an automobile driven by a moonbat—a far-left wing progressive. The term “moonbatmobile” is, perhaps, a nod to the Batmobile—the vehicle driver by DC Comics suoerhero Batman since May 1939.
There are two things that identify a “moonbatmobile”:
1. bumper stickers—a moonbatmobile might have bumper stickers to “save the earth” or with the names of Democratic candidates.
2. environmentally friendly—a moonbatmobile might be environmentally friendly (in theory, at least), running on electricity instead of gas.
“Moonbat Mobile” was cited in print in March 2006 to describe a vehicle with a “Edwards-Obama ‘08: Compassion and Integrity” bumper sticker. “Hummers More Eco-Friendly Than Prius Moonbatmobiles” was cited on a Corvette discussion forum in March 2007.
Wikipedia: Batmobile
The Batmobile /ˈbætməˌbiːl/ is the automobile of DC Comics superhero Batman. The car has evolved along with the character from comic books to television and films reflecting evolving car technologies.[1] Kept in the Batcave accessed through a hidden entrance, the gadget-laden car is used by Batman in his crime-fighting activities.
The Batmobile made its first appearance in Detective Comics #27 (May, 1939). Then a sedan, it was simply referred to as “his car”. Soon it began featuring an increasingly prominent bat motif, typically including distinctive wing-shaped tailfins. Armored in the early stages of Batman’s career, it has been customized over time into a sleek street machine.
Skylark of Valeron
10 March 2006
Moonbat Mobile
So I was driving today, and I was behind a car that had some amusing bumper stickers. The one I noticed first said, “Stop Hate Crimes: Respect Diversity.” I snorted in derision (because the very concept of “hate crimes” is so idiotic - a crime’s a crime, folks).
The next bumper sticker said “Execution is Not a Solution.” (One presumes the driver does support executions for “hate criminals.”)
But the piéce de resistance was a campaign bumper sticker, which boldly proclaimed, “Edwards-Obama ‘08: Compassion and Integrity.”
Free Republic     
Howie Carr’s Moonbat-mobile of the week ^  | 09/27/06 | raccoonradio
Posted on Wednesday, September 27, 2006 3:34:00 PM by raccoonradio
Hopefully to be a regular feature on Anyone got some to add? I know there’s that Ford Taurus that was covered with Kerry stickers…or the one that was covered with stickers like “Your Hatred Becomes You” next to the “Bush is Hitler” one, or something like it, next to it…
Corvette Forum
Dusty Rhodes 
03-24-2007, 01:16 PM  
Hummers More Eco-Friendly Than Prius Moonbatmobiles
Toyota’s Prius, aka Pious, is a favorite among the sort of gullible moonbats who proudly believe their choice of vehicle contributes to a healthier planet. As always, the moonbats are wrong.
Right Wing News 
Radiation Threat From Environmentally Correct Moonbatmobiles
Written By : Dave Blount
November 6, 2009
If there’s one thing sanctimonious moonbats will never run short of, it’s pernicious unintended consequences.
Parkway Rest Stop 
September 3, 2010
Chevy Volt: A Moonbatmobile.
Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 6:54 pm
What a swell idea, brought to you by Government Motors.

US Taxpayer-Subsidized Finnish Moonbatmobiles Burst Into Flames
While flinging our money to the four winds, Obama devoted $529 million to building moonbatty electric cars in Finland. If you are one of the very few people rich enough to buy a Fisker Karma, yet dumb enough to actually do it, make sure you don’t let your outlandishly expensive environmentally correct toy get wet: ...
,a href=“”>Moonbattery

July 2, 2013
Scientist Finds Electric Moonbatmobiles Worse for Environment Than Real Cars
Don’t feel bad, Rubio voters. You aren’t the only suckers out there. Think of all the righteous do-gooders who pay extra and suffer all manner of inconvenience in order to save the planet by driving a “green” car — which is worse for the environment than a real car: ...