“Money is the mother’s milk of politics”

“Money is the mother’s milk of politics” a December 14, 1962 Time magazine story quoted from Jesse Unruh (1922-1987), then speaker of California’s state assembly.  The quotation became much-used in 1963 and is still used as a classic political truism.
Wikipedia: Jesse M. Unruh
Jesse Marvin Unruh (September 30, 1922 – August 4, 1987), also known as Big Daddy Unruh, was a prominent U.S. Democratic politician and the California State Treasurer.
Born in Newton, Kansas, Unruh served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. After the war, he enrolled at the University of Southern California, receiving a B.A. in Political Science and Journalism in 1948.
Famous quotes
. On campaign contributions - “Money is the mother’s milk of politics.” 1966
. On lobbyists - “If you can’t eat their food, drink their booze, screw their women and still vote against them, you have no business being up here.”
Time magazine
Politics: Hale Fellow at Yale
Friday, Dec. 14, 1962
UNRUH ON WAY. called the Town Crier, newspaper of Yale’s Timothy Dwight College. So he was—and Yale did not know quite what to expect of California’s Jesse Marvin Unruh (pronounced un-rue), who was traveling East to become this year’s first Chubb Fellow.
At 40, “Big Daddy” Unruh is the elephantine (265 lbs.) mastermind of California’s Democratic Party. Speaker of the state assembly, he is proud of the way he has manipulated lobbyists into contributing to the party. “Money,” he says, “is the mother’s milk of politics.” Unruh directed Democratic Governor Pat Brown’s winning campaign against Richard Nixon this year, is considered Jack Kennedy’s favor ite California politician. He has also been a four-letter man—although not in the way that Yale usually thinks of one.
31 March 1963, Los Angeles (CA) Times, “Democratic Council Hits at Unruh; Adopts Explosive Report Warning of Party Bossism,” pg. G1:
The election committee made it clear that it was referring to Unruh in its report by citing a quotation attributed to him that “money is the mother’s milk of politics.”
8 April 1963, Los Angeles (CA) Times, “Party Hackles Raised by Democratic Council” by Carl Greenberg, pg. A4:
This was the platform from which the committee, and subsequently the convention, jumped on Unruh with both feet, inveighing against “bossism” and “machine politics” and, lest anybody fail to get the message, using a quotation previously publicly attributed to Unruh about money being “the mother’s milk of politics.”
5 June 1963, Wall Street Journal, “White House Ties of Unruh Irk Brown An Earful on President’s Trip?” by Alan L. Otten, pg. 20:
It cited as a horrible example a quote widely identified with the speaker (Unruh—ed.): “Money is the mother’s milk of politics.”
2 July 1963, Los Angeles (CA) Times, “Brown Signs Campaign Bill Backed by Unruh” by Carl Greenberg, pg. 17:
He (Unruh—ed.) attended its Bakersfield convention in March at which CDC adopted an election reform report using a quotation widely attributed to Unruh that “money is the mother’s milk of politics.”
6 September 1963, Los Angeles (CA) Times, “After Political Honey Comes That Big Money” by Richard Bergholz, pg. A4:
Assembly Speaker Jesse Unruh is credited with the classic remark that “money is the mother’s milk of politics.”