“Moments of silence are part of the music”

“Moments of silence are part of the music” is a saying that has been printed on several gift items. Robert Fulghum’s Words I Wish I Wrote: A Collection of Writing That Inspired My Ideas (1997) credited “Unknown.”
The authorship of the modern saying remains anonymous. It’s possible that the saying began on a wall plaque.
Google Books
Words I Wish I Wrote:
A Collection of Writing That Inspired My Ideas

By Robert Fulghum
New York, NY: Cliff Street Books
Pg. 203:
Moments of Silence are part of the music.
Juneau (AK) Empire
Moments of silence are part of the music
Posted: Friday, April 13, 2001
When I lived in Texas one of the most pleasant and life-changing experiences was singing in civic choruses and church choirs. Learning and performing the music, whether it was the classics of Bach, Mendelssohn or Haydn, or contemporary writers such as Rutter or Sondheim, was pure joy.
Ophe’s Promise
Monday, December 27, 2004
moments of silence are part of the music
posted by Ruth | 3:29 PM
Toronto (Ontario) Star
No place like this home
This has been quite the year for singer/songwriter Brian Byrne, formerly of the rock band I Mother Earth.

By: Kathryn Kates Homes,  Published on Sat Apr 28 2007
“On another wall we stencilled a quote, ‘Moments of silence are part of the music.’ I have no idea where it comes from, but we just like it because it spoke to us.”
Laura Lee Schultz‏
Moments of silence are part of the music - Anon. http://bit.ly/95JaIQ
10:38 AM - 12 Mar 10