Mistakesman (Austin American-Statesman nickname)

The Austin American-Statesman is the daily newspaper for the capital city of Austin. The Democratic Statesman dates back to 1871, and today’s newspaper is called “The Statesman” for short. “Statesman” (http://www.statesman.com) is also the newspaper’s website.
When the newspaper makes mistakes, Statesman becomes Mistakesman (a nickname used since at least 1992).
There are many other nicknames. Spaceman (or Austin American-Spaceman or Austin Spaceman) replaces Statesman when people think the newspaper has some far-out views. The nickname “Spaceman” has been used since at least 1994. Un-American Statesman (in print since at least 1994) is another nickname used by those who think the newspaper holds far-left liberal views. Real Estatesman (in print since at least 1992) is a nickname used by people who think that the newspaper favors Austin’s developers.
Wikipedia: Austin American-Statesman
The Austin American-Statesman is the major daily newspaper for Austin, the capital city of Texas. It is an award-winning publication owned by Cox Enterprises and edited by Richard Oppel, who led his previous newspaper, the Charlotte Observer to multiple Pulitzers. The Statesman places focus on issues affecting Austin and the Central Texas region.
The Statesman is sometimes referred to as liberal. On balance, its editorials show it to be an amalgam of liberal philosophy combined with strong pro-business sentiment. In this, it reflects the Texas heritage of focusing on business and Austin’s history of being youthful and liberal. However, it did endorse George W. Bush in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections, and Republican governor Rick Perry along with every other Republican incumbent in 2006. The Statesman also tends to provide fair coverage of Libertarian Party and Green Party matters.
The Austin American-Statesman competes with the Austin Chronicle, an alternative weekly. The paper tends to print Associated Press, New York Times, The Washington Post and Los Angeles Times international and national news, but has strong Central Texas coverage, especially in political reporting. The Statesman benefits from the culture and writing heritage of Austin. It extensively covers the music scene, especially the annual South by Southwest Music Festival. The newspaper co-sponsors various events around Austin such as the Capital 10K foot race and the Season for Caring charity campaign.
The Statesman’s news website is statesman.com and its entertainment site is Austin360. Both sites are known for embracing citizen journalism because they are among the few newspaper Internet sites to host reader blogs.
Handbook of Texas Online
AUSTIN AMERICAN-STATESMAN. The Austin American-Statesman, in 1994 the only daily newspaper in Austin, Travis County, traces its origins back to the Democratic Statesman, which began publication every three weeks beginning in July 1871. The paper began as a semiofficial organ of the state executive committee of the Democratic party and was the only major Democratic newspaper in Texas at that time. It advocated “straight out Jacksonian Democracy” during the Reconstruction period of Republican control of the state. The paper was prominent in the election campaign of 1873, which resulted in the defeat of the Republican regime in Texas. In 1873 the paper began daily morning publication, and from 1880 to 1889 the publishers were John Cardwell and a Mr. Morris. In 1914 the Democratic Statesman took over the Austin Tribune (founded 1889), a competitor that in 1904 had absorbed a smaller local newspaper called the Austin Daily News. The newly consolidated paper began to publish each afternoon as the Austin Statesman and Tribune. In 1916 this paper changed its name to the Evening Statesman to reflect a new time of publication.
The first issue of the Austin American, published daily including Sunday, was issued on May 31, 1914, under the direction of Henry Hulme Sevier. In 1919 Charles E. Marsh and E. S. Fentress bought the American, and in December 1924, the Austin Evening Statesman, by then one of the oldest dailies in Texas. At this juncture the two papers were merged into one company, but were published as independent newspapers. The American remained the morning paper and the Statesman an afternoon paper, but the Sunday morning issue of the American was renamed the Sunday American-Statesman. Early in 1948 all of the Marsh-Fentress newspapers became a part of Newspapers Incorporated. The American joined the Associated Press, subscribed to the daily wire services of the United Press International News Service, and acquired comics and other news features on an independent basis from NEA, the Chicago Tribune, and other syndicates.
In November 1973 the Austin American and the Austin Statesman combined to become an all-day newspaper issued in four daily editions as the Austin American-Statesman.
29 November 1992, Austin (TX) American-Statesman, letters to the sports editor, pg. E15:
I feel that a great disservice was done to both teams by Jim Davis and the American Mistakesman by making excuses for what occured that Friday night.
Google Groups: austin.general
Newsgroups: austin.general
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Michael A. Petonic)
Date: 15 Mar 1993 21:29:11 GMT
Local: Mon, Mar 15 1993 5:29 pm
Subject: Counter AFA Advertisement in Mistakesman
Google Groups: rec.sport.baseball.college
Newsgroups: rec.sport.baseball.college
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Wesley Tucker)
Date: 14 Mar 1995 04:53:13 GMT
Local: Tues, Mar 14 1995 12:53 am
Subject: Need A&M/SWC Scores
I am trapped in Austin for Spring Break and I can’t get scores.  The Austin American Mistakesman only seems to list t.u scores and a few national scores.  I miss the major newspapers in this state that carry the SWC standings and scores.
Google Groups: rec.sport.football.college
Newsgroups: rec.sport.football.college
From: “Craig K. Gowens”
Date: 1995/09/20
Intially they said Texas and a&m would never play both Nebraska and Colorado in the same year. It looks like to me that they made it Texas and oklahoma will never play both Nebraska and Colorado. I just typed what was in the Austin American-Mistakesman.
Google Groups: austin.general
Newsgroups: austin.general
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (WIZ OF MOZ)
Date: 1995/12/29
Subject: Re: Gotcha, Austin American Statesman ...
I thought it was the Austin American MISTAKESMAN
Google Groups: rec.hunting
Newsgroups: rec.hunting
From: Dwayne Potter

Date: 1996/05/09
Subject: Re: 17 rem or the 219 Donaldson Wasp
Read in the Austin Daily Mistakesman (05/05/96) that TPWD Commission is to vote this week on allowing .22 *rimfire* for whitetail, claiming it would make the sport “more accessible.” I very nearly went apoplectic.
Google Groups: austin.internet
Newsgroups: austin.internet
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Spider)
Date: 1997/08/19
Subject: Re: Texan vs. American-Statesman
Austin-American Spaceman
I’d say Austin-American Mistakesman
Errors in Advertising & Editorial.
Austin American-Statesman - yelp review
Jackson R.
Austin, TX
3 star rating
We joke and call this the “Mistakesman” rather than the “Statesman” because there are often so many grammatical and factual errors to be found.
For example, they once had a high school football game listed as being played at the Alamodome in HOUSTON.  What editor missed that one? 
Army Paratrooper - The Dropzone
03-23-2007, 05:42 PM
Welcome to the Austin American Mistakesman newspaper. Like every shitty liberal rag there always has to be an anit-American, anti-government or anti-police angle to their stories.
By Bill
April 21, 2008 5:05 PM
Hopefully all three will make a lot of cash. I know they would require three times that amount to work for the Austin American Mistakesman.