“Mississippi: “What has four eyes and cannot see?”/“Mississippi.”

“Mississippi” (state and river) has four “I’s” (eyes). “Four eyes” is also a term for someone who wears glasses. “An infant says the Mississippi is always going to sea; yet it can never see, and still it has four eyes, (I’s)” was printed in an 1872 newspaper. “What has four eyes and can not see?—Mississippi” was printed in a 1918 newspaper.
“What state wears glasses?~ LOL~ Mississippi has four eyes!” was posted on Twitter on June 8, 2009.
6 December 1872, The Daily National Republican (Washington, DC), “City Small Talk,” pg. 4, col. 2:
An infant says the Mississippi is always going to sea; yet it can never see, and still it has four eyes, (I’s.)
Chronicling America
26 January 1918, Richmond (IN) Palladium The Junior Palladium, pg. 2, col. 4:
1. What has four eyes and can not see?—Mississippi.
3 March 1918, The Daily Nonpareil (Council Bluffs, IA), “Juvenile Nonpareil,” pg. 15, col. 3:
“It has four eyes and can’t see, and runs and can’t walk?” The answer is Mississippi. Please send me a blue button.
Eagle Butte, Mont.
12 March 1939, Boston (MA) Herald, “Riddles,” pg. 8B, col. 7:
Q—What has four I’s but cannot see? A—Mississippi. Sent in by Beatrice Ryea, Windsor, Vt.
Google Books
The Rainbow Book of American Folk Tales and Legends
By Maria Leach
Cleveland, OH: World Publishing Company
Pg. 111:
What is it has four eyes and runs over 2,000 miles? The Mississippi River.
Google Books
English Riddles from Oral Tradition
By Archer Taylor
New York, NY: Octagon Books
1977, ©1951
Pg. 100:
What has four eyes and cannot see?—Mississippi.
Pg. 101:
It has four eyes, goes out to sea, but can’t see. — Mississippi River.
28 August 2003, Columbian (Vancouver, WA), “Kid Zone: Back to School Funnies” by Elaine Golden, pg. 7:
Teacher: Why is the Mississippi such an unusual river?
Student: Because it has four eyes and can’t see!
Monica Beckett‏
What state wears glasses?~ LOL~ Mississippi has four eyes!
8:16 PM - 8 Jun 2009
Google Books
111 LOL Jokes About School & Wimpy Teachers!:
Jokes, Riddles and Crazy Excuses for Avoiding Homework

By Marcus Stuart
LOL Kids Books
Pg. ?:
Why is the Mississippi such a strange and unusual river?
Because it has four eyes and it still cannot see!
Google Books
Riddles and Jokes for Kids
By Sandra Staines
Lulu Press (Lulu.com)
Pg. ?:
In which State would you be most closely watched?
Mississippi it has four eyes (i) s.
What state wears glasses?
submitted July 7, 2017 by muricanviking
Mississippi, because it has four eyes.