Milhous (middle name to imply “Nixonian”)

Adding “Milhous” as a president’s middle name (after Richard Milhous Nixon, 1913-1994) has been used to imply Nixonian characteristics. New York (NY) Times columnist and former Nixon adviser William Safire wrote about “Jimmy Milhous Carter” in May 1976. Safire meant it as a compliment. New York Times columnist Anthony Lewis wrote about “Ronald Milhous Reagan” in May 1987 and “George Milhous Bush” in December 1992. Lewis meant that these presidents were involved in political coverups, just like Nixon.
“Bill Milhous Clinton” was a story in the The Weekly Standard in March 1997. “George Milhous Bush” (for George W. Bush) has been used infrequently since at least 2002. “Milhous” is often misspelled “Milhouse.”
Barack Hussein Obama’s campaign discouraged people from using the candidate’s middle name. Conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin has popularized “Barack Milhous Obama” since at least February 2008.
Wikipedia: Richard Nixon
Richard Milhous Nixon (January 9, 1913 – April 22, 1994) was the 37th President of the United States, serving from 1969 to 1974. The only president to resign the office, Nixon had previously served as a US representative and senator from California and as the 36th Vice President of the United States from 1953 to 1961.
Google News Archive
14 May 1976, Milwaukee (WI) Journal, pt. 1. pg. 17, col. 4:
Jimmy Milhous Carter
By William Safire
Those of us who still defiantly wear our Richard Nixon tieclasps—a slim bar terminating in a trained presidential seal—can find much to admire in the campaign techniques of Jimmy Carter.
New York (NY) Times
ABROAD AT HOME; Ronald Milhous Reagan
By Anthony Lewis
Published: May 22, 1987
President Reagan has a new defense to the charge of lawlessness in soliciting money for the contras and sending arms to them. He knew all about the arms shipments, he now says; they were ‘‘my idea to begin with.’’ But the law against them did not apply to him. Or if it did, it was unconstitutional.

Mr. Reagan’s lawyers must be looking for legal authority to cite in support of that defense. Here is a tip, gratis. A formidable source made the argument that law cannot bind a President when he acts in what he says is the interest of national security.
New York (NY) Times
Abroad at Home; George Milhous Bush
Published: December 28, 1992
Government officials may violate the law whenever they believe their actions are good for the country. That was President Bush’s principal rationale for pardoning six men involved in the Iran-contra affair.

They were motivated by “patriotism,” Mr. Bush said. So it did not matter that what they did conflicted with judgments reached through our constitutional process and written into law. It did not matter that they covered up their actions by lies.
The Weekly Standard
MAR 24, 1997, VOL. 2, NO. 2t
SOMEWHERE, RICHARD NIXON’S SHADE is watching with admiration the performance of the Clinton White House. If only he’d run Watergate like this! Then he could have claimed that the break-in proved the need for tougher federal anti-burglary laws.
Google Groups:
My contempt is for George Milhous Bush, not the office.
Men’s News Daily
George Milhous Bush?
By Doug Powers
The headlines are abuzz today with the latest polls that seem to show George W. Bush with the lowest approval ratings going into a State of the Union speech since Richard Milhous Nixon in 1974.
Globalist Review
The New Republic, “George Milhous Bush,”
The New Republic
, by Eric Rauchway-
Last week the Bush administration reached its Nixonian climax, as CIA director Michael Hayden confirmed that the government had nearly drowned some people on purpose using techniques that American military men have long known as torture
Habits Not Peculiar… 
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Milhous Obama, Barack Not-That Hussein Obama….
What’s in a name? Are we now not allowed to use BHO’s full name? Mark Levin came up with a couple of humorous alternatives yesterday: Barack Milhouse Obama and Barack Not-That-Hussein Obama! We freely speak of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK), Richard Milhous Nixon (RMN), William Jefferson Clinton (WJC) but we can’t use Barack Hussein Obama (BHO); don’t even try to go with BO.
Locomotive Breath 1901
Barack Milhous Obama
Apparently, that middle name is acceptable.
The Digital Right
Monday, March 3, 2008
The “Media’s” Canidate: Barack Milhouse Obama
Ann Coulter astutely observed in her latest article that “our two front-runners happen to be the media’s picks.”
November 1, 2010
Obama: “We’re gonna punish our enemies…”
People hear echoes of Richard Nixon and his notorious “enemies” list.
OSweet said…
FYI, Mark Levin’s been calling him Barack Milhouse Obama since forever.
11/1/10 1:43 PM