
A “micro-bakery” (or “microbakery”) is a small bakery that usually specializes in a small variety of products. Often the “micro-bakery” is the oven of someone’s home; the popular product of micro-bakeries is homemade fresh bread.
“Micro-bakery” was cited in Newsday in 1988. “Micro bakers” was cited on Twitter  in December 2009.
20 July 1988, Newsday (Long Island, NY), “Dining” by Molly O’Neill, Food, pg. 5:
Caffe Belle Vista, 123 W. Broadway, at Duane, (212) 233-2025, is a blast from a past that we never really had. Along one wall, under shelves full of canned Italian plum tomatoes, imported olive oil and dried pasta, a coffee counter serves up espresso and gelato that’s worth traveling for. Along the other wall, a micro-bakery turns out wonderfully spongy foccacia ( rosemary-scented Italian flat bread), crusty peasant loaves and dense hero rolls.
Fresno Bee
October 24, 1998
Jan Moreno is a bread connoisseur of sorts. She makes it at home and is always on the lookout for new types to try.
So she couldn’t resist when she saw The Vintage Mill Bread Co. on Bullard Avenue in northwest Fresno. “It is great to get homemade bread,” she said. “It tastes better than the stuff in the store.”
Moreno made the comments while standing at the cash register in the microbakery.
24 August 2003, New York (NY) Post, “N.Y. caters to what the doctor ordered” by Philip Recchia, pg. 18:
Six months ago, the Manhattan micro-bakery (Janet’s Low-Carb Foods—ed.) turned out its first loaf of low-carb bread (which averages 75 percent fewer carbs than the regular stuff).
Billions LIM‏
Specialties, value-added experience slow growth: Mickey said that while micro bakers remain popular, many other.. http://tinyurl.com/ykcr6u2
1:35 PM - 4 Dec 09
Faisel Rahman‏
i have just learnt a huge amount about bread from @VirtuousBread looking forward to helping create microbakers! http://bit.ly/erkFSv
3:49 AM - 14 Dec 10
New York (NY) Times
Food Stuff
The Year’s New Markets

Published: September 6, 2011
SULLIVAN STREET BAKERY A “micro-bakery,” mostly retail, will be the latest from Jim Lahey, for breads and a small selection of bread-based dishes, beer and wine a couple of doors from his pizzeria, Co. (November): 236 Ninth Avenue (25th Street), Chelsea.
Google Books
Frommer’s Bermuda
By Darwin Porter and Danforth Prince
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Pg. ?:
(A microbakery specializes in a high volume of a very limited number of products—in this case, 10 different flavors of rum cakes.)
Evening Standard (London)
Rise of the microbakery
You can forget cupcakes. The latest trend is to make — and sell — your own bread. Victoria Stewart meets a growing band of home bakers

Victoria Stewart
Published: 24 September 2012
Next time you hold a loaf of freshly baked bread, notice the flour covering your fingers and look at the swirling pattern of the crust. Consider the taste as you crunch through to the soft grain inside.
This sort of experience doesn’t happen when you eat most supermarket bread. But across London, people are getting home from work or school and staying up all night kneading and mixing dough by hand then selling it to friends and neighbours. These are London’s microbakeries — and they’re on the rise.
The Wall Street Journal
August 16, 2013, 4:53 p.m. ET
Micro-Bakeries Offer Bread That’s Truly Fresh
In home kitchens and backyard ovens around the country, small-scale bakers are fermenting a revolution—and the artisanal offerings go far beyond baguettes

Yet quietly, just in the last year or two, there’s been a subtle revolution in American bread. Around the country, in Phoenix and New Orleans, Tulsa and Portland, Asheville and Austin, and cities throughout Ohio, Connecticut and Utah, tiny bakeries are cropping up. The bakers are self-taught: Most of them got started by reading books by master bakers like Peter Reinhart or Nancy Silverton, and gleaning tips online. They sell at farmers’ markets, on local food websites or to nearby shops and restaurants. Many operate out of their residences, under new laws that allow them to sell food made in home kitchens.
Microbakers are encouraging the next step in American bread, too, by seeking out unique strains of grain and doing the milling themselves, using processes that allow oils in the grain to permeate the flour with flavor and aroma.