
“Metrotard” is a type of person whose name is derived from transit’s “Metrocard.” It’s a combination of “metro” (from “metropolitan”) and “tard” (from “retard”). The term was coined by The Morning News in 2002 and is explained below.
The Morning News
Guide to New York Jargon
Published May 13, 2002
Metrotard (noun): A person in front of you at the subway turnstile who can’t figure out how to swipe his or her subway pass. Also: A person who tries to use a Metrocard to withdraw money from an ATM.
Urban Dictionary
1. Metrotard
from ‘The Morning News’: A person in front of you at the subway turnstile who can’t figure out how to swipe his or her subway pass. Also: A person who tries to use a Metrocard to withdraw money from an ATM.
I went to the cash machine to get some money out, but this metrotard in front of me is completely cramping my style.
by oz Apr 9, 2005
2. metrotard
Someone who acts or looks like they are retarded but really isn’t.
“Ew rachel, your being such a metrotard, stop it.”
by rachiebear SHAMMMMM Oct 20, 2006