Mental Abuse To Humans (“math” backronym)

“MATH: Mental Abuse To Humans” is a jocular backronym that has been printed on many gift items, such as T-shirts, posters and bumper stickers. “Math = Mental Abuse To Humans” first appeared on Twitter on June 16, 2009. The backronym began to be frequently cited starting October 16, 2011.
Other “math(s)” backronyms include “Mental Attack To Healthy Students” and “Mentally Affected Teachers Harassing Students.”
Acronym Finder
What does MATH stand for?
Mental Abuse to Humans
Adriana M. Acosta
Math = Mental Abuse To Humans
7:10 AM - 16 Jun 09
Carms Perez
Shared publicly -  Oct 16, 2011
Mental Abuse To Humans
Math. The only place where people buy 60 watermelons and no one wonders why · 54,941 like this
October 17, 2011 at 4:42am · ..
Mental Abuse To Humans.
MATH=Mental Abuse To Humans
(Joined Facebook on October 27, 2011—ed.)
Chelsea Harper
MATH: mental abuse to humans” TAL CUAL
7:05 PM - 12 Dec 11
MATH= Mental Abuse Towards Humans T-shirts
Product ID: 235323980280519599
Made on: 4/12/2012 11:45 AM
MATH: Mental Abuse To Humans
Thursday, 3 May 2012
Aim: How do we calculate the surface area of a cylinder?
Funny All The Time
Mental abuse to humans
Posted on Oct. 12th, 2012 by funny
Jamie Hawkins
“If You Can’t Do The Math, Then Get Out of The Equation”
March 4, 2013
math sucks.
I don’t know about you, but I’m awful at mathematics, or more simply put, math. Some even refer to it as “Mental Abuse To Humans”, and let’s face it, it’s true.