McNasty’s (McDonald’s nickname)

McDonald’s is the world’s largest chain of hamburger fast food restaurants. McDonald’s has had the derogatory nickname of “McNasty’s” since at least the early 1990s; the “McNasty” nickname has also been applied to food items sold at McDonald’s.
McDonald’s has also been called “Mickey D’s” (a company trademark) and “Rotten Ronnie’s” (unofficially, after the Ronald McDonald clown).
Wikipedia: McDonald’s
McDonald’s Corporation (NYSE: MCD) is the world’s largest chain of hamburger fast food restaurants, serving around 68 million customers daily in 119 countries. Headquartered in the United States, the company began in 1940 as a barbecue restaurant operated by Richard and Maurice McDonald; in 1948 they reorganized their business as a hamburger stand using production line principles. Businessman Ray Kroc joined the company as a franchise agent in 1955. He subsequently purchased the chain from the McDonald brothers and oversaw its worldwide growth.
17 May 1993, Sacramento (CA) Bee, “What? Its the regional pastime,” pg. D1:
It’d be like McDonald’s introducing a new hamburger and calling it the “McNasty Dreck Please Don’t Eat This.”
The Independent (UK)
Sunday 4 April 1999
PROFILE McDonald’s: Everyone loves a McNasty
James Delingpole explains why the ubiquitous hamburger has conquered the world

Google Goups:
McD’s Nicknames
Heavy G
Urban Dictionary
McDonald’s. The grossest restaurant chain on the planet.
by Warpig9761 Jun 15, 2006
Yelp (Austin, TX)
Fun nicknames or slang for businesses, food, and products
Ba “Sprouting” L. says:
Nicknames, we all have them.  We have them for businesses, products, and food too.  Let’s hear what creative ones you have. 
Here’s some common ones to get us started. 
Target = Tar-jay
Walmart = Wally-world. 
Whole Foods = Whole Paycheck or WF
McDonald’s = Mickey D’s or McNasty’s
American Literature Via Wykes
McDonald’s or McNasty?
Posted by Carson at 12:18 AM
The fast food industry seems to be a huge part of the American culture.
The Truth About Thin
October 14th, 2010
McNasty Meals
By Betty Murray, CN, HHC, RYT,
According to a recent project conducted by artist and photographer Sally Davies, McDonald’s hamburger and french fries are resistant to nature’s least picky eaters, bacteria and mold.
Lunatic Outpost
Why is McNasty’s the official restaurant of the Olympics?
Ray-Ray Debarge
08-05-2012 04:58 AM
Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post
McDonald’s restaurants are the very epitome of poor health, with their McNuggets most notably containing chemicals used in breast implants and silly putty. So why have the Olympic games officials adopted the restaurant chain as their official restaurant of the Olympics?
We hate Mcdonald’s call them Mcnasty
Unhealthy kitchen. Nasty and small burgers. Bad service. and Discussing fries.
(Joined Facebook January 23, 2013—ed.)