McEverything (all McDonald’s sandwiches)

McDonald’s fast food restaurants have several sandwiches named “Mc—.” In September 2013, Nick Chipman of Dude Foods ordered every McDonald’s sandwich—it cost him $141.33—stacked the sandwiches together, and labeled it a “McEverything.”
“McEverything” has been cited on Twitter since March 30, 2009. In September 2011, a tweet showed Dude Foods mentioning a hypothetical “McEverything” sandwich. An “everything” bagel or pizza usually includes many toppings, but the “McEverything” sandwich is literally every McDonald’s sandwich.
Japanator review: McHotDog Classic:
McDonald’s has McEverything on their menu at some McTime or another. But..
6:20 PM - 30 Mar 09
Jeeg from Nerd Lunch
What the heck is the McEverything? Find out in episode 3 of the Nerd Lunch podcast with @DudeFoods.
2:51 PM - 23 Sep 11
Dude Foods
September 17, 2013 by Nick
The McEverything
The McEverythingWhen it comes to food $141.33 can get you a lot. In fact, it’s more than enough for a pretty decent meal for two at a really nice restaurant. Or you can do what I did recently and spend that exact same amount buying one of every single sandwich — breakfast sandwiches included — that McDonald’s offers…. Actually, I should correct myself. The price of the sandwiches was $140.33… the extra dollar was for the Diet Coke that I added to my order.
You see, I have a bucket list, but instead of things like sky diving, swimming with sharks or other death defying feats of adventure that you’d find on most typical bucket lists mine is completely food related. The number one thing on my list for two or three years now has been to make this sandwich, which I’ve dubbed the McEverything.
[NEW POST] I spent $141.33 at @McDonalds to make this. I call it the McEverything.
6:54 AM - 17 Sep 13
Here’s Every McDonalds Sandwich Stacked In One Tower
Courtesy of a website called DudeFoods, of course.

posted on September 17, 2013 at 3:53pm EDT
Emily Fleischaker
This is The McEverything.
September 19th, 2013 01:00 PM ET
Man builds $141.33 ‘McEverything’ dream sandwich
Craving McDonald’s and willing to spend $141.33? A McEverything it is - and a Diet Coke to wash it all down.
Nick Chipman, who blogs at, purchased one of every breakfast and lunch sandwich at a McDonald’s in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, to make a “McEverything.”
“Obviously, everything at McDonalds starts with a ‘Mc,’” as Chipman said. The number one thing on the 32-year-old’s list of life goals was to make this monstrous sandwich.