McDiving (McDonald’s + diving)

“McDiving” (McDonald’s + diving) occurs when someone dives over the counter at a McDonald’s fast food restaurant—and usually has the video to prove it. “Mcdiving Aberdeen” was put up on YouTube on May 5, 2011; it’s been claimed that Mikey Brown was the first to do it in Aberdeen, Scotland.
“McDiving” became the subject of several news articles in June and July 2013. McDonald’s issued a statement against the practice: “This poses a serious health and safety risk to both the participants and our restaurant staff.”
mcdiving Aberdeen 
Uploaded on May 5, 2011
followng inspiration from a previous video i decided the best way to make this a sport was to do it myself….
Josh Brannan - McDivin 
neil hallyburton
Uploaded on Jun 20, 2011
McDivin in McDs
McDiving is the new sport of today. Its very simple: You visit a McDonalds and dive over the counter. Beware you must be prepared for the wrath of the bouncers.
(Joined Facebook August 31, 2011—ed.)
The Tab
Why order food at the counter when you can just jump into the kitchen?

By Jake Warren
Features | 25th June 2013
As any student on a night out will know, should you fail to make a reservation at Hotel Back-Yourself, there is one safe haven before the weary journey home: McDonald’s.

Come 3am the masses descend to feast upon the finest cuisine Ronald has to offer. However, the unwanted delay in service caused by queues has led to the creation of a new sporting phenomenon known only as McDiving.
Uni Unay · 2 weeks ago
Everyone knows McDiving started in Aberdeen. As everyone who knows the top skiter Mikey Brown was the first to do it!
The Daily Mail (UK)
The staff aren’t Lovin’ It! Drunk students go ‘McDiving’ by jumping over counters of fast food restaurants
. Video clips of bizarre antics receiving thousands of hits on YouTube
. Drunk revellers take a run-up before launching themselves over counters
. Some clips show students being hauled out of McDonald’s outlets by staff

By Kerry Mcdermott
PUBLISHED: 03:08 EST, 9 July 2013 | UPDATED: 06:31 EST, 9 July 2013
We’ve already seen ‘planking’ and ‘milking’, now witness the latest bizarre student fad: ‘McDiving’.
It seems the time-honoured tradition of piling into McDonald’s at the end of a boozy night out is now incomplete without an attempt to launch oneself over the counter at unsuspecting fast food workers.
Video clips of students’ efforts - which often end with the culprit being hauled out from the kitchen by disgruntled staff - are receiving thousands of hits on YouTube.
This sport was invented in aberdeen over 2 years ago!
Aberdream , Aberdeen, United Kingdom, 09/7/2013 18:27
Metro (UK)
Students bring back ‘McDiving’ fad at McDonald’s
Tuesday 9 Jul 2013 8:11 am
Videos have reappeared online showing students McDiving, which involves them diving over the counter and at unsuspecting staff at the restaurant.
McDonald’s said: ‘This poses a serious health and safety risk to both the participants and our restaurant staff.’