“Math—the only subject that counts”

“Math—the only subject that counts” is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. “Mathematics - the only subject that counts” was posted on Twitter on May 15, 2009.
Dave Dawes
Mathematics - the only subject that counts. (via @darraghdoyle) I would agree - I have a degree in maths - even if it was a 3rd 😊
10:31 AM - 15 May 2009
❤️ FizzyDuck ❤️
Maths, the only subject that counts.
2:49 PM - 15 May 2009
Math. It’s the only subject that counts.
8:43 PM - 19 May 2009
Wayne Addamz
@dlavender math is the only subject that counts 😉
4:47 PM - 24 May 2009
3 June 2013, Tampa Bay (FL) Times, “Teachers get emotional when kids grow in spite of obstacles” by Ernest Hooper, pg. B1:
Seen on a bumper sticker: 1, 2, 3, 4, Math - The Only Subject That Counts. ...
Smith Elementary
Math…the only subject that counts. Good luck to our “mathletes” today!
3:43 PM - 26 Jan 2017