“Manhattan on the Potomac” (Rosslyn, Arlington VA)

Rosslyn in Arlington County, Virginia, is on the Potomac River, across from Washington, DC. The nickname “Manhattan on the Potomac” began to be used in 2006 to represent the new developments of skyscrapers in Rosslyn.
The “Manhattan on the Potomac” nickname has met with much criticism. The Washington (DC) Post‘s John Kelly joked about the “Manhattan” nickname in an April 2010 column, suggesting that the “Big Blueberry” might be a better fit.
Wikipedia: Rosslyn, Arlington, Virginia
Rosslyn is an unincorporated area in Northern Virginia located in the northeastern corner of Arlington County, Virginia, north of Arlington National Cemetery and directly across the Potomac River from Georgetown in Washington, D.C. Rosslyn encompasses the Arlington neighborhoods of North Rosslyn and Radnor/Ft. Myer Heights. Characterized as one of several “urban villages” by the County, the numerous skyscrapers in the dense business section of Rosslyn make its appearance in some ways more urban than nearby Washington.
Psycho Sensei
Posted by mikki on December 11, 2006 10:58 AM
Planned Office Tower Called Hazard for Planes
ARLINGTON, Va. (AP) - A 390-foot-tall office tower planned across the Potomac River from Washington could be a hazard to airplanes, the Federal Aviation Administration has determined.

The preliminary ruling on the glass-and-steel tower has delayed Arlington County’s hopes to build a “signature skyline” with views of the monuments and memorials of the nation’s capital. Some business owners had already started marketing the Rosslyn area as “Manhattan on the Potomac.”
Washington (DC) Post
High-Rises Approved That Would Dwarf D.C.
By Kirstin Downey
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, May 6, 2007
The Arlington County Board yesterday approved construction of two high-rise towers in Rosslyn that would be the tallest buildings in the Washington area, rejecting concerns that the structures would endanger aircraft and overshadow the skyline of the nation’s capital.
Some business owners have begun marketing Rosslyn as “Manhattan on the Potomac.”
Google Groups: parklandwatch
From: “Art Allen”

Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 11:09:07 -0400
Local: Wed, Oct 17 2007 10:09 am
Subject: Preserving the National Mall
October 17, 2007   /    Linda Hales   /    Metropolis Magazine
The Price of Capitalism
Washington, D.C. debates whether preserving the views from the Mall is worth stifling development.
By In 1791, when Pierre Charles L’Enfant laid out the nation’s capital, he had no way of knowing that skyscrapers would one day threaten his creation. More than two centuries later, however, the sanctity of Wash­ington’s ceremonial heart is under assault. A developer-driven plan to erect two high-rises just across the Po­tomac River in Rosslyn, Virginia, is striking at democracy’s symbolic soul.
The villain, for those who see one, is capitalism, a force as fixed in the national psyche as democracy itself. The victim is the National Mall, a priceless landscape visited by millions. Thanks to the District of Columbia’s height limit-130 feet-the Mall has yet to be eclipsed by a backdrop of skyscrapers with corporate logos and bright lights. Now the mid-rise burg across the river, known mostly as a commuter throughway, is aspiring to become Manhattan on the Potomac
02-01-2008, 12:28 AM
I hate that they now call Arlington “Manhattan on the Potomac”. :roll:
Washington DC Examiner
Rosslyn: A ‘Manhattan on the Potomac’
Brian Blackburn, DC Real Estate Examiner
November 2, 2008
Brian stops at VA Square for coffee on his way to Rosslyn where a new luxury market is springing up on the shores of The Potomac.Once seen only as a place to work, Rosslyn in Washington, D.C, is getting a face lift, adding residential buildings to the list of developments and lifting its skyline in the process.

Developers have recently started to take hold of Rosslyn in an attempt to replace its 1950’s era buildings with modern buildings that will be the home to upscale condominiums in a quickly changing neighborhood.  Many of these developers seek to have views of the city over the shores of the Potomac, while others are answering the call for a traffic free commute as gas prices soar above three dollars.  With a small footprint Rosslyn has been forced upward much like New York City, this is why developers have dubbed it “Manhattan on the Potomac”.
Washington (DC) Post
Search comes up empty for Manhattan on the Potomac
By John Kelly
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, April 19, 2010
“Manhattan on the Potomac: It’s Not So Far Away”
—headline in Rosslyn magazine, published by Rosslyn Renaissance and the Rosslyn Business Improvement District

I emerged from the subway with that mixture of anticipation and dread I always feel upon visiting a big, bustling city. Anticipation because of the myriad wonderments the metropolis offers, dread because I’m always worried that some big-city sharpie will prey on this rube from the provinces.
But where were the hustlers? The bootleg DVD vendors? The Naked Cowboy? There was not even a Naked GS-13. But perhaps the night was young.
The Future Crystal City: A Vision of ‘Manhattan on the Potomac’ Realized?
by ARLnow.com
July 21, 2010 at 9:52 am
Earlier this year, the Washington Post’s John Kelly shot down Rosslyn’s attempt to brand itself “Manhattan on the Potomac.” You won’t find the word “Manhattan” anywhere in the 156-page Crystal City Sector Plan, but it certainly comes to mind when one sees an artist’s rendering of tall buildings and wide sidewalks surrounding the renamed “Jefferson Davis Boulevard.”