Manhattan Drop (wrestling)

"Manhattan Drop" is a recent professional wrestling term. It is used on a groggy but still-standing opponent by putting a head under an opponent's shoulder, lifting him up and then dropping him.

There is no indication why it is named after Manhattan, but maybe it's because the wrestling move is like taking down a tall building.
Atomic Drop

A move in which the wrestler goes behind an opponent puts his head under the victim's shoulder and lifts his opponent up and then drops him tailbone-first on the wrestler's knee.

Inverted Atomic Drop

A move in which the wrestler puts his head under the victim's shoulder and lifts his opponent up and then drops him "lower abdomen region" first on the wrestler's knee. Also known as a Manhattan Drop.

Manhattan Drop - Medium Irish whip attack on groggy standing opponent
While Opponent is Groggy
Irish Whip - O
Manhattan Drop - Down + O
The Hurricane suming - Left + O
Shuffle Side Kick - Up + O
Hurri Suplex - Right + O

(Google Groups)
TK3 King Faq Ver. 1.00
... Children Likes: Drinking Beer in Victory Dislikes: Tears of Children Stage: Wrestling Ring in ... 2:1+2} T-Bone Powerbomb (?) Cannonball 2,2,1+2 Manhattan Drop 1+2 ... - Mar 30 1997, 4:10 am by Beamer - 1 message - 1 author