Management of Perception Economics (MOPE)

Entry in progress—B.P.
Jim Sinclair’s MineSet
In The News Today
Posted June 25th, 2009 at 10:09 PM (CST) by Jim Sinclair & filed under In The News.
Look out the window and stop listening to MOPE.
MOPE, Management of Perception Economics, is outlined in the book, “Die Zeit Ohne Beispiel.”
Jim Sinclair’s MineSet
Jim’s Mailbox
Posted September 17th, 2009 at 2:58 PM (CST) by Jim Sinclair & filed under Jim’s Mailbox.
As a preliminary matter, while Jim has fairly recently coined the phrase, Management of Perception Economics and the acronym “MOPE,” the fact is this doctrine has been in practice for at least a decade. Mr. Bernanke’s predecessor and mentor, Alan Greenspan, used to speak about it fairly openly in the context of inflation. The main difference is that in light of the present economic disaster inflation must assume biblical proportions, as there is no practical approach to undo the monetary inflation due to the internal and external debt undermining real growth.