Malazy (malaise + lazy)

“Malazy” (malaise + lazy) is a word coined by the National Republican Senatorial Committee for a November 2011 political ad. The word “malazy” combines “malaise”—President Jimmy Carter’s “Crisis of Confidence” speech (July 15, 1979) was widely termed his “malaise speech”—with “lazy,” as used from a November 2011 speech by President Barack Obama.
Wikipedia: Presidency of Jimmy Carter
“Malaise” speech
When the energy market exploded, he was planning on delivering his fifth major speech on energy; however, he felt that the American people were no longer listening. Carter left for the presidential retreat of Camp David. “For more than a week, a veil of secrecy enveloped the proceedings. Dozens of prominent Democratic Party leaders—members of Congress, governors, labor leaders, academics and clergy—were summoned to the mountaintop retreat to confer with the beleaguered president.” His pollster, Pat Caddell, told him that the American people simply faced a crisis of confidence because of the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr.; the Vietnam War; and Watergate. On July 15, 1979, Carter gave a nationally-televised address in which he identified what he believed to be a “crisis of confidence” among the American people. This came to be known as his “malaise” speech, although the word never appeared in it:
Carter’s speech was written by Hendrik Hertzberg and Gordon Stewart. Though it is often said to have been ill-received, The New York Times ran the headline “Speech Lifts Carter Rating to 37%; Public Agrees on Confidence Crisis; Responsive Chord Struck” later that week.
Obama’s ‘lazy’ remark catches fire
A video clip of President Barack Obama calling America “a little bit lazy” is quickly becoming a focus of Republican campaigns, and GOP operatives say it will get plenty of play not only on the presidential battlefield but also in down-ballot congressional races.
Obama was talking about America’s pursuit of foreign investment, but the context may not matter as much as the punch line.
Obama’s America. Malazy.
Uploaded by TheNRSC on Nov 29, 2011
Barack Obama and Jimmy Carter. Same problems. Same excuses.
Obama’s ‘Malazy’ America
Dan Spencer, Right Side Politics Examiner
November 30, 2011
The good folks at the National Republican Senatorial Committee have put together a terrific video morphing Obama’s infamous “lazy” and “soft” comments with Jimmy Carter’s “Malaise” speech into “Malazy.”
Watch the video:
The Malazy video is timely, coinciding with Obama’s job approval falling below that of Jimmy Carter.
November 30, 2011
NRSC Ad: Obama’s America = Malazy (Video)
This is brilliant. I don’t think you can hit Obama any harder than cutting an ad with him side-by-side with Jimmy Carter using their own words. Malaise + Lazy, two presidents, one excuse. This is new from the National Republican Senatorial Committee.