Lunch Break Rave

“Lunch break raves” started in Sweden in the fall of 2010. Instead of eating lunch at a desk, workers go to an hour-long dance party. The “lunch break rave” came to New York City in 2013.
A similar term for the “lunch break raver” is the “lunch break rager.”
Swedish Lunch Disco
The country’s new midday office raves.

By Nathalie Rothschild|Posted Tuesday, May 1, 2012, at 1:01 PM
When it comes to lunch breaks, the laissez-faire French like to take two hours out of their workday to savor their food in the company of colleagues while workaholic Americans prefer dining solo in front of their computers. Well, in Sweden we have a whole other vibe going. Here, more and more workers are forgoing both leisurely lunches and “al-desko” dining in favor of daytime raves.
It started in the fall of 2010 when 14 friends decided to dance their lunch breaks away in their office garage. They called their gathering “Lunch Beat.” As rumors about this literally underground movement spread, more and more people joined in. Today, Lunch Beat events are being arranged by a core group of organizers at venues around Sweden, attracting up to 600 people each time, and copycat clubs are popping up across Europe.
A Rave Party During Lunch Break
May 30, 2012 in Daily Bulletin
Nathalie Rothschild described the latest trend in Sweden: Lunch time Rave Parties:
. In 2010 a group of friends decided that they wanted to spend their lunch hour dancing and started doing so in the office garage. Soon more and more people started to join in.
. The movement is now called “Lunch Beat” and can be organized by anybody. Some of the rules include:
.. The event must start promptly at 12 and end at 1.
.. A takeaway meal must be offered and is included in the ticket price.
.. No drugs or alcohol.
. The organizers say that by completely removing employees from the workplace they help employees forget about work and come back refreshed and re-energized.
. Observers say there is no sexual tension at the rave-like events. It is more of a fun alternative to a lunchtime workout.
. Some companies now buy tickets to these events for their employees as a perk.
(This began in New York City in 2013—ed,)
Jay Gordon‏
@snipeyhead are you at like a lunch break rave?
12:24 PM - 23 May 13
The Lunch Break Rave Craze
Posted by Ryan Singer on 29 May 2013
The basic lunch break has a new exciting look. Making a lot of buzz in New York this spring have been Lunch Break Raves. This new hype, deemed “Lunch Beat”, have been popping up all over New York City. These midday parties, hosted by Flavorpill, have a simple concept. A nightclub in the middle of the day. Instead of eating a boring sandwich at your desk, workers simply get together and let loose at a club for an hour so that they are energized and inspired when they get back to their desk. These underground raves allow for a new platform of dance music enthusiasts to get together and feel the beat. If you’re like me working in New York this summer, these Lunch Break raves are an escape you do not to miss!