Lunacracy (lunatics/lunacy + democracy)

“Lunacracy” (lunatics/lunacy + democracy) is an infrequently used term for a loony (or crazy) democracy, run by “lunacrats.” The term “lunacracy” was used in the title of an October 16, 1961 Newsweek review of Joseph Heller’s novel, Catch 22. “Lunacracy” has been somewhat popular on the Internet since 2007.
Google Books
16 October 1961, Newsweek, pg. 114, col. 3:
CATCH 22. By Joseph Heller, 443 pages, Simon and Schuster, $5.95.
MassPwnage - October 3, 2007 05:23 AM (GMT)
Lunacracy: It’s run by lunatics, for lunatics.
True North (MN)
December 27, 2007
Lunacrats: When Timmy Met Will
Written by Andy Aplikowski.
One of the guests Sue Jeffers and I had on when we sat in for Dan Conry on KTLK 100.3FM was Professor Al Pekarek who is one of the growing number of scientists who dispute the lunacy that is the Global warming movement. The truth is that the Earth’s climate is always changing, and there is little humans can do to change that.
lair of the loquacious loon!
By LoonyTalk
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Islamabad: The wait of the Pakistani people for a democracy got over today when the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), which had emerged as the single-largest political party in the recent parliamentary elections, elected Pervez Musharraf as the leader of the PPP Legislature Party and hence the ‘two-in-one’ President & Prime Minister of Pakistan!
Residual Forces
This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 6th, 2008 at 8:25 am
Lunacracy!!!! T. Boone Pickens Will Make Hundreds Of Millions, If Not Billions, If He Gets Congress To Mandate His “Plan” – Don’t Be A Fool In Thinking His Plan Is Good, Nor He A Noble Man
Northern Plains Anglicans
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Is there such a word as “Lunacracy”? I don’t know how else to describe what one progressive Episcopalian is honest enough to out…
Around Dublin
Published on May 19, 2011
Save Our Public Schools by Fixing California’s “Lunacracy”
by John M. Zukoski
Mired in eye-popping budget deficits, ballooning debts, and cratering credit ratings, California’s fiscal health has been anything but golden for the past decade.
21 August 2011, Des Moines (IA) Register, “Your 2 Cents’ Worth,” pg. B2:
If the tea party takes over, instead of a democracy, will we have a lunacracy? - Ames Guy