Losership (loser + leadership)

“Losership” (loser + leadership) is a term used when someone is critical of the leadership (such as Democratic or Republican political leadership). “Losership” (loser + sportsmanship) was cited in print in 1968, when it was paired with “winnership” and had a different meaning.
“The manner in which Oz did those things smacks strongly of snivelling losership” was cited in print in 2000. “Why I dislike the Democratic ‘Leadership’ (Losership)” was cited in 2004. ” They’re not Democrats, it’s the DLC, you know, the Democratic Losership Commitee (or is it Council?)” was cited in 2007.
Google Books
Physical Activities for the Mentally Retarded:
Ideas for Instruction

By Joint Committee of the Lifetime Sports Education Project and the Project on Recreation and Fitness for the Mentally Retarded
Washington, DC: Project on Recreation and Fitness for the Mentally Retarded
Pg. 2:
For instance, a relay may lend itself to teaching the concepts of formation, discipline, following instructions, team play, or “winnership and losership.”
Google Groups: alt.assassination.jfk
Kennedy quots
Magic Bullet
I don’t remember saying that living in a foreign country made him a loser.  I agree that more Americans ought to do that.  I would say, however, that the manner in which Oz did those things smacks strongly of snivelling losership.
Google Groups: alt.politics.usa.republican
Those Namby -Pamby Democrats
What disgusts me almost as much as the fascist politics of the RepubliCONS, is the doormat attitude of Democrats in Washington who seem either unable or unwilling to fight fire with fire.  Mark my words - if all those sissy Democrats don’t finally get some balls and start playing the same game Republicans have been playing, they can look forward to losing a lot more elections in the future.  The first thing they have to do is jettison all the corporate whores in the DLC - beginning with Clinton and Gore.  Clinton never won an election for anyone but himself - he’s harmed the chances of other Democrats time and again and will continue to do so in the future as long as the Democratic party is associated with his name.  His passive-aggresive, rope-a-dope style of politics has infected the democratic leadership with a passive and dopey style of losership.
Google Books
Saddam’s Attacks on America:
A Freewheeling and Hard-hitting Commentary on the Life-Threatening Problems Facing America and the Prescription for Their Cure

By Hugh Cort, III
iUniverse, Inc.
Pg. 3:
Chapter I
Why I dislike the Democratic “Leadership ” (Losership) and Their Mouthpiece, the Liberal Media
Let me try to explain why I dislike the Democrat leaders (losers) so much.
The Smirking Chimp
Democrats Kill Democracy and Protect a Criminal Presidency in New Mexico
by Dave Lindorff | March 14, 2007 - 8:36am
It’s really quite simple.
It’s really quite simple. They’re not Democrats,it’s the DLC,you know,the Democratic Losership Commitee(or is it Council?). They’re pro-choice,anti-gun ownership Republicans.
Submitted by metricman on March 14, 2007 - 4:03pm.
‘Center’? What ‘Center’?
By: Phoenix Woman Friday May 4, 2007 4:00 pm
May 4th, 2007 at 4:21 pm
The Democratic Losership Conference? Who will tell us dirty hippies to behave?
German minister: Bush climate speech shows “losership not leadership”
Submitted by Sahil Nagpal on Thu, 04/17/2008 - 20:56.
Berlin - German Environment Minister Sigmar Gabriel launched a scathing attack Thursday on US President George Bush’s policies to combat climate change, calling them “losership instead of leadership.”
“The president has made a disappointing speech that does not match up to the global challenge,” Gabriel said in reference to Bush’s announcement on Wednesday on US emissions policy.
EU Leadership or Losership?
Time to beat the impasse on climate talks

Published: 28 May 2009
The world, and most of all, its poor people, desperately needs a fair and safe climate deal to be agreed at the UN talks in Copenhagen in December.
Patrick Dollard
@GOP losership (pka leadership) is doomed to failure whenever it starts a negotiation with the false premise that it cannot win what it can.
9:57 AM - 16 Oct 2013