“Loneliness is the ultimate poverty”

“Loneliness is the ultimate poverty” is a saying that has been printed on many images. “Loneliness is the ultimate poverty. Frank Tyger” was printed in the Winston County Journal (Louisville, MS) on August 17, 1979. “Frank Tyger said that ‘loneliness is the ultimate poverty’” was printed in the Montgomery (AL) Advertiser on September 10, 1979. Frank Tyger (1929-2011) was an editorial cartoonist and columnist for the Trenton (NJ) Times for 34 years.
Syndicated advice columnist columnist Abigail Van Buren or “Dear Abby” (real name Pauline Phillips, 1918-2013) is often credited for the saying, but it does not appear that she said it first. A “Dear Abby” newspaper column in November 1980 stated:
“Holiday time can be very depressing for people who are alone, so if you know someone who might be alone and lonely, give him (or her) the best gift of all—an invitation to spend the holiday with you and your family. Loneliness is the ultimate poverty.”
Welcome to the World of TYGER
Frank Tyger - A Brief Biography
Frank was born on December 24, 1929 in Brooklyn, New York to Belle and Joseph Tyger
In 1962 James Kerney Jr., then editor and publisher of The Trenton Times, offered Frank the job of his dreams—editorial cartoonist.  For the next 34 years, Frank worked for The Times drawing these cartoons, assuming other responsibilities including Promotion Manager, and writing a weekly Monday column for the paper.  During this time, he continued to pursue his lifelong interest in authoring quotes and puns which were published nationally in magazines such as Reader’s Digest, Forbes, Editor and Publisher and the Saturday Evening Post.
On May 2, 2011 Frank passed away after his 15-year battle with Parkinson’s Disease.
17 August 1979, Winston County Journal (Louisville, MS), “The Quiet Corner” by Florence McNeel, pg. 4, col. 4:
Loneliness is the ultimate poverty.
Frank Tyger
10 September 1979, Montgomery (AL) Advertiser, “Living Today” by Thomas Lane Butts, pg. 4, col. 6:
Frank Tyger said that “loneliness is the ultimate poverty.”
Google Books 
Volume 124, Issues 1-6
Pg. 156:
Loneliness is the ultimate poverty.
26 November 1980, The News (Paterson, NJ), “Dear Abby,” pg. 19, col. 6:
Holiday time can be very depressing for people who are alone, so if you know someone who might be alone and lonely, give him (or her) the best gift of all—an invitation to spend the holiday with you and your family. Loneliness is the ultimate poverty.—LOVE. ABBY
Google Books
The Fifth and Far Finer than the First Four 637 Best Things Anybody Ever Said
By Robert Byrne
New York, NY: Fawcett Columbine
Pg. ?:
Loneliness is the ultimate poverty.
Abigail Van Buren
Melanie Oyler
“Loneliness is the ultimate poverty.” (Abigail Van Buren, Columnist) Reach out to someone you know, & make their day - life can be so short.
12:28 PM - 24 Apr 2009
Thought Catalog
36 Absolutely Heartbreaking Quotes About Loneliness
By Lorenzo Jensen III, March 16th 2015
Loneliness is the ultimate poverty.
—Pauline Phillips
Google Books
Cracking Into Super Brains With 6000 Supreme Quotes
By Vivek Mathur
Delhi, India: Studera Press
Pg. 237:
Loneliness is the ultimate poverty. - Abigail van Buren
Lesly Reyes
Loneliness is the ultimate poverty. #Arkansas #Nature #Sunsets #Sunlight #Love #Peace #QuoteOfTheDa
12:52 PM - 25 Apr 2019