LoMo (Lower Morningside Heights)

LoMo (Lower Morningside Heights) is another new one to the endless stream of neighborhood nicknames.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006
The Rise of SoHa and LoMo
When I was a wee freshman I told my parents - eager to move to the city once my brothers were at college - that they should consider investing in LoMo. A name I invented myself, LoMo (or Lower Morningside Heights) is "that void" between 96th and 110th, the area that's not quite the Upper West Side and not close enough to Columbia for most students to venture to regularly. The area is safe, but it was visibly different - plenty of 99 cent stores, buildings being demolished, abandoned storefronts, you name it. They didn't listen. On Saturday Jon and I were walking down Broadway in LoMo to get to Indus Valley - the best Indian restaurant in walking distance - and he stopped, turned to me, and said "damn, you were right." The neighborhood really has gotten a face lift.