LoCo (Lower Court) and ‘Hoodwinked (Curbed.com contest)

"LoCo" (as in "loco," Spanish for "crazy") seems like a natural "SoHo" knockoff. It's recently been suggested for "Lower Court" street in Brooklyn.

"'Hoodwinked" is the name of a contest on the New York City real estate blog Curbed.com to come up with new neighborhood names. A few of the results were "loco."

First Anniversary Contest: 'Hoodwinked!
Wednesday, May 25, 2005, by Joshua

In our first year of existence, one thing has become abundantly clear: New Yorkers don't need a reason to come up with a catchy nickname for their neck of the woods. In fact, we get so many neighborhood nicknames in our tips box that sometimes we feel like we're stuck in a never-ending Corcoran marketing meeting — only with smart people. We love your ideas ("SoHoHoHo" Classic!). Really, we do. But we thought that now might be a good time to put this, er, enthusiasm for nabe names on the clock. So, it is with great excitement that we present our first anniversary contest...

Here's How it Works: You email us the specific boundaries, name, and a detailed description of a New York City (all boros welcome) neighborhood of your creation. For example,

Name: HoSex'n
Boundaries: Houston and Stanton, Essex and Clinton
Description: Did you know that the F Train stops at Paradise? Well, it does. Bound by Wylie Dufresne to the east and the Laugh Lounge to the west, with a healthy dose of poverty in between, HoSex'n has something for everyone... (NB: This hypothetical is not indicative of the high level of creativity the contest management expects.)

You may rename an existing 'hood (Gramercy -> Blamercy—again, not indicative...), but you are encouraged to create your own. The more detailed the description, the better.

Deadline: We're accepting entries until next Monday, 5/30, at 5pm. Then, we'll reveal the finalists, leading up to a showdown vote by Curbed readers. (Hat tip to the boys at Apartment Therapy for this contest format, which we're blatantly ripping off.)
What's on the Line: A two-night stay at the ultra-luxurious and ultra-gentrifying The Hotel on Rivington, where you can peer out your window and gaze upon the city you have managed to redefine with one simple email. (Complimentary stay to be used before the end of the year by you, a family member, or an out-of-town friend looking for a hot shower. Black-out dates may apply. Cocktail party with blazers not included.)

We expect great things from you, dear readers. Please, do not disappoint. Submissions to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

'Hoodwinked Update: LoCoGate
Friday, June 03, 2005, by Lockhart

While we continue to pore through the 'Hoodwinked contest entries, a Curbed reader emails to alert us to a scandal that's all but certain to consume the next 12 minutes of our life:

another reason to disqualify the Hoodwinked entry for Lower Court Street in Brooklyn, "LoCo", is that, if you check your archives, I suggested this months ago, and you published it in one of your follow up articles about the then new Frankies restaurant. Thats my hood, man, I called it.

By gulliver, he's right! While Curbed appoints an independent investigator, we turn our attention to Gawker, which points out Newsday's hyping today of SoFi, a neighborhood ackronym we pimped here back in February. Notes precocious Gawker guest editor Alex Pareene, "Some of the rejected nickname possibilities included 'Rickets,' short for 'Rug District,' and 'ItJuFuMFeChrakes,' for 'It's just fucking Midtown, fer chrissakes.'"

· New Neighborhood to Create a New Kind of Person to Hate [Gawker]
· Oh SoFi, You So Fine [Curbed, 2/15/05]
· 'Hoodwinked Update: More from the Reject Bin [Curbed, 6/2/05]
· Curbed Readers Report: LoCo [Curbed, 12/17/04]

2) A Brooklyn reader writes, "Enjoyed the link to the Frankie's 457 blog. There's a lot going on in that neighborhood right now. Joise's Java has a sign announcing Thai restaurant. Across the street, longtime abandoned Dave's Hardware will soon be a day spa and a Japanese Restaurant. Vinnie is no longer at Vinnie's Pizza, but the new guy is keeping the name, and kicking Pizza ass. And The Mini Bar across the street from Frankie's is doing huge business with all the walk-in trade from people with a half hour wait for a table. Is Court Street the new Smith Street? May I suggest a name for this little part of Carrol Gardens—LoCo, as in Lower Court."