“Life Lesson #843: ‘Analogy’ is NOT the study of buttholes”

“Analogy is not the study of buttholes” is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. Some people assume this, from the “anal” in “analogy.”
“Turns out Analogy is not the study of buttholes” was posted on X/Twitter by IB on May 16, 2011. “FYI ‘analogy’ is not the study of buttholes” was posted on X/Twitter by Heather D. Cole on May 8, 2015. “‘Analogy’ is not the study of buttholes. Just a heads up” was posted on X/Twitter by mlch41 on May 9, 2015. “From /r/showerthoughts ‘Analogy is not the study of buttholes’” was posted on X/Twitter by Huy on October 19, 2018.
“Life lesson #843: ‘Analogy’ is NOT the study of buttholes” was posted on X/Twitter by mikeriver on May 6, 2015. “Life Lesson #832; analogy is not the study of buttholes” was posted on X/Twitter by ActuallyBionicMan💙💙🎓🎓l🚑👩‍⚕️ on December 4, 2018. “LIFE LESSON #843 ‘Analogy’ is NOT the study of buttholes” (shown on an image) was posted on iFunny on February 17, 2021.
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how come ‘analogy’ doesn’t mean the study of the anus?
Lewis Mammel
Jun 1, 2005, 2:31:49 AM
alejandro de tacobell wrote:
> why not?
“Hey, that’s a good question!” - Nino the mindbender.
“anus” is latin and “proktos” is greek, and we have the greek ( heh, heh ) “proctology”, for the study of the “proktos”.
Of course “analogy” is from “ana-logos”. which has nothing to do with the latin “anus” which is related to the latin “anulus,” “ring,” but it does make for a curious situation.
Turns out Analogy is not the study of buttholes.
3:01 AM · May 16, 2011
“Life lesson #843:
‘Analogy’ is NOT the study of buttholes.”
9:28 PM · May 6, 2015
Heather D. Cole
FYI “analogy” is not the study of buttholes.
1:40 PM · May 8, 2015
“Analogy” is not the study of buttholes. Just a heads up
10:59 AM · May 9, 2015
Life lessons # 867
Analogy is not the study of buttholes.
9:25 PM · Jun 25, 2016
From /r/showerthoughts
“Analogy is not the study of buttholes”
7:36 PM · Oct 19, 2018
I’m training on a US Army base in Germany and I’ve just seen this on a whiteboard in the comms manager’s office.
Life Lesson #832; analogy is not the study of buttholes.
6:54 AM · Dec 4, 2018
17 feb 2021
LIFE LESSON #843 “Analogy” is NOT the study of buttholes.
America’s Best Pics & Videos
16 may 2021
When you find out that analogy is not the study of buttholes Those bastards lied to me
America’s Best Pics & Videos
27 jul 2021
Analogy is not the study of buttholes
10 aug 2022
LIFE LESSON #843 “Analogy” is NOT the study of buttholes.
Bob Kostic
“Analogy” is NOT the study of buttholes.
6:13 PM · Jul 27, 2023