“Life and time are the two great teachers”

A popular saying has been printed on posters:
“Life and Time are the two great teachers.
Life teaches you the use of Time;
And Time teaches you the value of Life.”

The saying was cited on Twitter on October 6, 2009, and is of unknown authorship.
LIFE & TIME are the two great teachers. “LIFE teaches you the use of TIME, & TIME teaches you the value of LIFE”. - http://bit.ly/ZGzgR
11:23 PM - 6 Oct 2009
Rajakumar Babu
Life and Time are the two great teachers…Life teaches you the use of Time and Time teaches you the value of Life
10:50 PM - 4 Nov 2009
LIFE and TIME Are The Two Great Teachers… LIFE Teaches You The USE Of Time… & TIME Teaches You The VALUE Of Life….
babukris via mobile (+9199676xxxxx) | Aug 01, 2011 11:19 AM
May 31, 2014
“Life and Time are two great teachers ,
Life teaches you the use of Time .
Time teaches you the value of life .
Rex Ganun
December 28, 2014 ·
.,Life & Time are the two great teachers.
Life teaches us the use of time & time teaches us the value of life.
.good day…
South Asian Link Newspaper (British Columbia, Canada)
Saturday, August 22nd, 2015 | Posted by admin
Past Is History And Future Is A Mystery So Live In The Moment
There is a wise old saying that life and time are two great teachers. Life teaches us the use of time and time teaches us the value of life.