“Libertarians are anarchists with money”

“Libertarians are anarchists with money” is a jocular one-line saying that appears in many lists of libertarian jokes. The saying has been cited in print since at least 1995 and is of unknown authorship.
Google Groups: alt.society.anarchy
Anarchist or Libertarian?
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Libertarian or Anarchist?
Libertarians are anarchists with money.
Google Goups: rec.humor
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What’s the difference between Anarchists and Libertarians??
Libertarians are anarchists with money.
Google Groups: alt.politics.libertarian
Brendan Moyle
>What about a bumper sticker:
>“Don’t blame me, I voted Libertarian”
Differences between Libertarians and Anarchists:
1. Libertarians are Anarchists with money
2. Libertarians own more guns but Anarchists use more bullets
Total War Center
Kiljan Arslan
August 09, 2007, 08:08 PM / Libertarian jokes   #1
Heres some jokes those who are librtarians and those who can’t stand them can get also whats the idfferenc between a anarchist and a libertarian jokes
From jokecat.com
What’s the difference between Anarchists and Libertarians?
• Libertarians are anarchists with money.
Democratic Underground
Thu Feb-04-10 12:29 PM
13. Libertarians are anarchists with money.
Democratic Underground
Sun Apr-11-10 03:59 PM
35. A libertarian is an anarchist with money.
Google Books
Rich People Things:
Real-Life Secrets of the Predator Class

By Chris Lehmann
New York, NY: OR Books
Pg. 159:
The running joke among many left-inclined libertarians is that a libertarian is an anarchist who got rich, and that could well double as the civic motto of Mountain View, California—or be embossed on the business card of virtually any tech mogul, from Larry Elliison to Eric Schmitt.
Jokes 4 Libertarians
Friday, May 11, 2012
Anarchists vs Libertarians
The difference between Anarchists and Libertarians?
Libertarians are anarchists with money.