“LGBTQ” (or LGBT) are too many confusing letters for some people, who add the last four letters of the alphabet to it, forming “LGBTQWXYZ” (or “LGBTWXYZ”). The “WXYZ” extension is not politically correct.
“LGBTWXYZ” was posted on Twitter by Boa Bisca on February 2, 2010. “Why you can’t argue with the LGBTWXYZ crowd” was printed on the website DCNY on June 1, 2010.
“LGBTQWXYZ: When Rhetoric Makes You Ridiculous” by Jamoes Poulos was printed on the website Ricochet on June 2, 2010. “LGBTQWXYZ” was posted on Facebook by Monkey Brothers Playing on June 7, 2011.
“LGBTXYZ” and “LGBTQXYZ” add an “XYZ” extension. “LGBTQWERTY” and “LGBTQQWERTY” add a “QWERTY” extension.
Wikipedia: LGBT
LGBT, or GLBT, is an initialism that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. In use since the 1990s, the term is an adaptation of the initialism LGB, which was used to replace the term gay in reference to the LGBT community beginning in the mid-to-late 1980s. Activists believed that the term gay community did not accurately represent all those to whom it referred.
The initialism LGBT is intended to emphasize a diversity of sexuality and gender identity-based cultures. It may be used to refer to anyone who is non-heterosexual or non-cisgender, instead of exclusively to people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. To recognize this inclusion, a popular variant adds the letter Q for those who identify as queer or are questioning their sexual identity; LGBTQ has been recorded since 1996.
Boa Bisca
Caminhos da libertação: 2° - Mais cedo ou mais tarde Eli - soh para as intimas - vai começar a apoiar mais a causa LGBTWXYZ
5:54 PM - 2 Feb 2010
TUESDAY, JUNE 01, 2010
Why you can’t argue with the LGBTWXYZ crowd
As you can see in the post below, you really can’t argue with the LGBTWXYZ crowd. If you disagree with them you are “complicit” in the persecution of gays, lesbians, and the rest of their fellow travelers. To believe that these sexual behaviors are wrong is to be homophobic, bigoted, and intolerant. So you see, there really is no room for biblical or intellectual debate.
LGBTQWXYZ: When Rhetoric Makes You Ridiculous
By James Poulos
June 2, 2010
At this time of national trial, Our President tweets:
As we recognize the immeasurable contributions of LGBT Americans during Pride Month, we renew our commitment to equal rights for all.
Google Groups: Meus feeds
Lokas da Xereca: Dica de Viagem: Recife (by Valenthyna Maldonnado)
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Dentre todas as capitais as salas de Recife detêm a maior concentração de billus, anfíbias, michês, michelles e outros produtos do mundo LGBTWXYZ.
Monkey Brothers Playing
June 7, 2011 ·
It’s amazing how the LGBTQWXYZ community is running to the defense of the Hasidics, who claim that the LGBTQWXYZ are subhuman abominations. And all over a comic book on genital integrity for males. Weren’t these people the same ones who gave Oprah money to stop female circumcision in Africa? Fucking misandric hypocrites… Nah, LGBTQWXYZ aren’t dominated by man hating feminists…
Brandon Finnigan
@EmpireOfJeff Its a HIM? Wow my usually sensitive LGBTWXYZ radar must be malfunctioning. I need to stop attending all those parties.
9:27 AM - 26 Oct 2011
Because faith in humanity isn’t low enough already: Sex Changes For Kids On the Rise  #tcot #LGBT #WXYZ #gay #lesbian
12:13 PM - 20 Feb 2012
View the Vibe
Your Ultimate Guide to World Pride 2014 in Toronto
JUNE 20, 2014
We’re officially two weeks away from World Pride Weekend, y’all! We know, we know… technically World Pride 2014 in Toronto launches next Friday – but we’re in it for the parties not the activism. Go ahead, judge us and the half million other people who’d rather bump and grind the nights away instead of partaking in a panel discussion about the future of the LGBTWXYZ (or however long that acronym is now) community.
judi thomas art
Get your @DollFaceBTN on & join us!
#art #legends #music #words
@carolinepub 7pm
#lgbtq #wxyz #rainbowtribe
4:46 AM - 17 Jul 2014 from Brighton, England
Charles D Mock
Replying to @TRUMP__WINS
@OBAMA_GAMES @cspanwj : I’m glad mr Owens said American people, rather than just Africa-American people. America suffers, not just LGBT-WXYZ
12:03 PM - 5 Sep 2014
Queer As Folk: drama para LGBT…WXYZ! | Mix de Séries … via @ThinkDevGrow
8:54 AM - 30 Jan 2015
Google Groups: soc.retirement
Re: Gay Pride Director: ‘We Still Have Much to Accomplish’ 
The homosexual LGBTQWXYZ lobby will not rest until they manage to criminalize Christianity and label any non-favorable mention of SSM as hate speech. The ever tolerant Lunatic Left-only for the fools that agree with them.
Kandy Muse
12:17 AM - 2 Jul 2015
More 💖HEARTHIS Retweeted Pope Francis
Poor Guy’s going to the White House -
The LGBTQ WXYZ community.
ARE the GREETING Committee! 💖HEARTHIS added,
Pope Francis
I ask you to join me in praying for my trip to Cuba and the United States.  I need your prayers.
8:52 PM - 19 Sep 2015
Replying to @CrankyTRex
@CrankyTRex They didn’t start this nonsense. The LGBTQWXYZ mafia did. @allanbourdius @TaylorMVLR
8:39 PM - 17 Apr 2016
The LGBTQWXYZ movement is more than many realize. In reality it’s about Sexual Deviancy Normalization
3:14 PM - 11 May 2016
Metro News Lunacy (McDonald’s vs LGBTQWXYZ)
Mendel’s Genome
Published on Nov 3, 2016
Posted by u/yibanghwa November 11, 2017
THE CULTURAL MARXISTS are imposing their LGBTQWXYZ (hah, get it? I’m so clever!) ideology upon the entirety of Western society! BTW, I’m a half-read quack and I have no idea what I’m talking about, so here’s what another quack said about some more half-read nonsense.
And imagine being so gullible and half-witted to eat this shit up. The lengths people will go to engage in intellectual and spiritual coprophagia is truly astounding.
Google Books
They`re All Crooks - A Diary By Alan J Mock
By Alan J Mock
Lulu Press (
Pg. 659:
Then of course all their newly arranged rapidly being normalised mates in BAME, LGBTQ-WXYZ etc, and all most ardently reinforced by The Sisterhood at Large (who AWAYS stand together even if half of them turned out to be mass murderers such is their binary thinking) who have been given the biggest grandstand in their contrived history to date with the Weinstein fallout.
The Feminist Movement & LGBTQwxyz (Part 1)
Published on Dec 14, 2018
Even in parthenogenesis, females will STILL give birth to both males and females. There will never be a transhuman, singular, monotheistic genderless human. There has always been and always will be man and woman.
Time for the LGBT Movement
to Leave the Kids Alone
American Thinker, by Elise Ehrhard

Posted By: tisHimself, 6/10/2019 6:01:19 AM
Reply 2 - Posted by: snapper451 6/10/2019 6:26:16 AM (No. 94803)
Speaking of LGBT(WXYZ). we are presently in Rome where there are not one, but two rainbow flags draped across the front of the U.S. Embassy, near our hotel.