“Land of Tall Women and Virgin Pines” (Piney Woods, East Texas)

“Land of Tall Women and Virgin Pines” is a very unofficial slogan of the Piney Woods in East Texas. Some say that it used to be called “Land of Virgin Women and Tall Pines.”
In 2006, East Texas began to brand itself as “Texas Forest Country” and sought official slogans.
Lone Star Times
Re-Branding East Texas
by The Pine Blogger | 05/09/2006 2:02 pm
Evidently, the slogans “Deep East Texas” and “The Pineywoods” are not all that attractive to the folks outside of East Texas.
Rastus Says:
May 9th, 2006 at 11:57 pm
Home of the tall women and the virgin pines.
Dallas Morning News blog
October 12, 2006
Re: Farewell, Piney Woods
Thanks for this info, Jack. I feel so much better. Yesterday I was just a hick from the Piney Woods. Today I hail from the Texas Forest Country.

Perhaps they could add my favorite East Texas slogan to that name to dress it up a bit further:

“Texas Forest Country—The land of tall women and virgin pines.”
(It speaks to my inner hick.)
Posted by Steve Blow at 9:38 AM

Pinkard and Bowden
Richard hails from a small little place on the southern border of Oklahoma. You may have heard of it….........called Texas! He grew up in a town called Linden, which is located “In the land of the virgin pines and tall women”, with a guy known as Don Henley.
Nicaragua Living
Submitted by Mupitara on 1 September, 2005 - 21:25.
When I studied forestry at Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas, I heard people call East Texas the “land of tall women and virgin pines”!
Ramaker & Associates, Inc.
BORN IN: Houston, Texas - Land of the tall women
and virgin pines.
Paul Dobbin’s Trapper Talk
posted 01-27-2006 02:06 PM01-27-2006 12:06 PM                
East TEXAS—-the land of tall women and virgin pines
(it used to be “virgin women and tall pines” but…..!)
Yahoo! Groups: Proto 87
Dec 9, 2003 2:22 pm
... Now Andy, You know it’s not “you guys” - but “Ya’all”! 😊 -ed mccamey- In the Heart of the East Texas Woods Land of Virgin Pines and Tall Women…
Google Groups: alt.tasteless.jokes
From:  Joel Priest
Date:  Wed, Feb 7 1996 12:00 am
Ahh, the South.  Home of the Virgin Pines, ....and tall women.
Google Groups: alt.tv.xena
From:  Barry Redinger
Date:  Sun, Jul 27 1997 12:00 am
Ancient Greece: Land of tall women and virgin pines.
Google Groups: rec.autos.sport.nascar
From:  Country Boy
Date:  Tues, Jul 17 2001 10:08 pm
Sounds like a Virginia story if I ever heard one.
Virginia= “The land of virgin pines and tall women”.   
Google Groups: alt.philosophy.taoism
From:  Badinage
Date:  Sun, Jun 13 2004 9:22 am
Washington, land of tall women and virgin pines.