Koodie (kid + foodie)

Phil Lempert of SupermarketGuru.com coined the word “koodie” (a kid foodie) in November 2009. The word coinage received a mixed reception in the food world. “Koodie” sounds like “cootie”—a children’s word for an insect, such as lice.
“Koodies” are kid foodies whose epicurean tastes range beyond macaroni & cheese or hot dogs.
Phil Lempert - Supermarket Guru
Welcome “Koodies”!
November 16, 2009
koodie -noun Slang. A kid keenly interested in food, especially eating, cooking or watching reruns of Julia Child. A kid who has an ardent or refined interest in food; a mini-gourmet; usually trained by one or both parents to have an unusual, and sometimes fanatic, desire to eat unusual foods. Evolution from the now defunct word “foodie”.
There’s a new kid in town, and instead of the same old chicken nuggets and French fries, this kid wants sushi, pad Thai, or smoked salmon in their Happy Meal! These foods may not be kids’ menu options as of yet, but the truth is that America is beginning to see a more sophisticated and adventurous palate in its children.
Wikipedia: Cooties
Cooties is a non-scientific term in North American English used by children for an imaginary “disease” said to infect through contact. The term may have originated with references to lice, fleas and other pests. A child is said to “catch” cooties through any form of bodily contact, proximity, or touching of an “infected” person. The phrase is used by children aged 5–10.
Village Voice: Fork in the Road
‘Koodie’ Is Coined, Further Polluting Food Lexicon
By Rebecca Marx
Tuesday, Nov. 17 2009 @ 11:59AM
​Just when ‘foodiot’ had started to settle into the food lexicon’s collective gut, so-called Supermarket Guru Phil Lempert has given us this bitter pill to swallow: koodie.
Wait, “foodie” is defunct? In what small and fortunate universe? And would any self-respecting child really want to be slapped with such a label, which sounds more like something that should be affixed to a line of plush toys? “Our children are our future,” Lempert writes. So true. Let’s give them a head start by letting them enjoy their European cheeses and chargrilled octopus in peace, shall we?
Serious Eats
‘Koodie’: Another Term to Describe the Children of Smug, Self-Satisfied, Food-Obsessed Parents
Posted by Adam Kuban, November 17, 2009 at 9:30 PM
Koodie is a new term making the rounds in the online food space.
Can my eyes roll any harder?
NYTimes.com - Schott’s Vocab Blog
November 19, 2009, 4:17 am
A kid who is a foodie.
Supermarket Guru, Phil Lempert, defined a new generation of juvenile gastronomes thus:...
Koodies: So Hot Right Now
Thu, 11/19/2009 - 5:50am by YumSugar
the biggest buzzword in the food world this minute: koodies. No, I’m not referring to the term we used prolifically as fourth graders; I’m talking about kid foodies. Food trend analyst Phil Lempert, also known as the Supermarket Guru, coined the term to refer to children with an “ardent or refined interest in food” or “an unusual, sometimes fanatic, desire to eat unusual foods.”
The term may be brand-new, but the idea of kids with refined palates has been on the horizon for a while.