“Knowledge is the greatest gift”

“Knowledge is the greatest gift” is a popular saying that’s often used by schools and libraries. L. Frank Baum (1856-1919) might have coined (or at least popularized) the saying in his book The Patchwork Girl of Oz (1913):
“The more one knows, the luckier he is, for knowledge is the greatest gift in life.”
However, the saying “knowledge is the greatest gift” is usually given without credit to any particular author.
Google Books
The Patchwork Girl of Oz
By L. Frank Baum
Chicago, IL: Reilly & Lee
Pg. 10:
“The more one knows, the luckier he is, for knowledge is the greatest gift in life.”
20 June 1914, The Evening News (Sault Ste. Marie, MI), “Friends Greet Ex-Gov. Osborn,” pg. 1, col. 4:
“Knowledge is the greatest gift that man can secure, for it makes him broad minded, true and honest, a man who loves his God, his country and his neighbor.”
(Spoken by Francis T. McDonald, a city Democratic party leader—ed.)
25 January 1925, Los Angeles (CA) Times, “The Wonderful Stories of “OZ’ by Dr. Pipt, the Famous Crooked Magician” by L. Frank Baum, pg. L2:‎
“The more one knows, the luckier he is, for knowledge is the greatest gift in life.”
Evansville (IN) Courier & Press
NEW VOICES: The greatest gift you can give or receive is ...
Posted December 1, 2009 at midnight
Knowledge opens opportunities to better jobs and it can solve problems. We need knowledge when oil is running scarce to come up with different ways to fuel cars. Knowledge is the greatest gift to give or receive because it advances the world. It can give more jobs to people universally. It has even made us live longer. Knowledge can give you the power to lead, succeed and persuade in everything you do.
In the future, knowledge can and will be spread throughout the world. Who knows, it may even take us to different planets. Everyone’s future can be bright and successful with knowledge. Knowledge is definitely power.

Jake Potter
Castle North Middle School
Grade 6
Raffe Gold
@JIDF Knowledge is the greatest gift one can give. Especially if it enlightens the masses.
3:49 PM - 7 Feb 10 ·
Mike Drummond: Visuals
Sunday, 27 March 2011
Knowledge is the greatest gift.
After the first spontaneous outing to the ‘bowels’ of tunbridge wells it seemed fitting to arrange a planned trip to the beautiful, secluded mecca of climbing that is Bowles Rocks.
Friends of the New Smyrna Beach Library
Caroline Kennedy to Librarians: ‘Your work is truly life changing.’
by ADMIN on DECEMBER 30, 2011
This award is truly significant because the nominations received from across the country show that libraries continue to play a critical role in our democracy, and that librarians are once-again on the front lines of a battle that will shape the future of our country. It is a battle that is fought out of view and the heroes are people who didn’t seek a career of confrontation, but who live lives of principle and meaning – understanding that the gift of knowledge is the greatest gift we can give to each other.
October 24, 2012 · by mikenoshay · in Photos, Travel. ·
Roxbury Public Schools (NJ)
November 26, 2012
Knowledge is the greatest gift you can give a child.
Julia McInnis
Knowledge is the greatest gift. It’s your strongest weapon and most useful tool to success. #CharishIt
3:56 PM - 13 Dec 12