Knowledge Empowers You (“key” backronym)

“Knowledge Empowers You” is a backronym (or back acronym) of the word “key” that has been printed on many posters, usually shown with a hand writing the words on a school blackboard. Various educational programs since at least the 1990s have used the “KEY” acronym.
“Keep Educating Yourself” is another “key” backronym.
Community-Technical Assistance Center (CTAC)
Knowledge Empowers You (KEY) Learning Collaborative 2
The KEY to Empowering Today’s Youth

The New York State Office of Mental Health in partnership with the Community-Technical Assistance Center (CTAC) is very excited to offer agencies in New York State, free of charge, an opportunity to join a learning community designed to address the needs of transition aged youth (ages 16-24).
CTAC has developed and field tested a group curriculum organized into a workbook called KEY (Knowledge Empowers You). This curriculum is designed to help young people make informed decisions about school, work, relationships, mental and physical health, substance use and day to day living.
Google Books
Sex, Violence, and Schizophrenia:
A Gen-Xer’s Tale of Psychosis & Recovery

By B.W. Miller
Xlibris Corporation (
Pg. 176: 
I also volunteer with Key Consumer organization. Key helps people with disabilities and is run by people with disabilities. They have many different support groups and one, which I help out in. Their name is an acronym for Knowledge Empowers You-KEY.
Google Books
Harvard Education Letter
The Harvard Graduate School of Education
Volume 20, Number 6
November/December 2004
One Charter School’s Formula for Success
Could It Work in a Large, Traditional Public School?

Since its opening in 2001, the KIPP DC: KEY (Knowledge Empowers You) Academy, a public charter school in Washington, D.C., has attracted a great deal of attention for its program and results. One of 38 KIPP schools around the country, the D.C. school enrolls about 240 students in grades 5 and 6 and stays open until 5:00 p.m. each day, and half a day on Saturday. KIPP DC: KEY Academy has been one of the highest-performing schools of any type in the trouble-plagued District of Columbia system.
Demetrius Wright
They KEY to life is the K.E.Y.  Knowledge Empowers You
9:01 AM - 1 May 2011
11:20 AM - 7 Jul 2011
Knowledge Empowers You #key
10:24 AM - 23 Feb 2012
Daily Press (Newport News, VA)
Hampton’s teacher of year motivates students to learn math, life lessons
May 29, 2014|By Jennifer L. Williams, .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Vinnie is active in the community through basketball, a small outreach group she founded called KEY: Knowledge Empowers You and spoken word poetry performances.