“Kids in sports stay out of courts”

“Kids in sports stay out of courts” means that children who play sports stay out of legal trouble (the courts). “Boys in sports stay out of courts” has been cited in print since at least 1952 and “kids in sports stay out of courts” has been cited in print since 1973.
15 June 1952, Rocky Mount (NC) Sunday Telegram, “News About Negroes” by R. D. Armstrong, pg. 13, col. 7:
There is no question about it boys in sports stay out of courts.
Google News Archive
22 October 1969, Windsor (Ontario) Star, “Great Pumpkin beware,” pg. 3, col. 3:
Bob Knudsen, a fraternity member and an organizer of the pumpkin sale, explained that members believe in the motto “Boys in sports stay out of courts.”
Google Books
Sociology of Sport
By Harry Edwards
Homewood: Dorsey Press
Pg. 79:
With regard to a subject closely related to the question of general character development, delinquency among male youths, the sports creed states emphatically “Stay out for sports, stay out of courts.”
Google News Archive
1 May 1973, Windsor (Ontario) Star, “Letters To The Editor: A protest over blackballing of ball player” by Ris Massetti, pg. 11, col. 6:‎
When I was younger a league motto was “Kids in sports stay out of courts.”
Google Books
Mis-education in Schools:
Beyond the slogans and double-talk

By Howard Good
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education
Pg. 34:
There used to be a bumper sticker that read, “Kids in Sports Stay Out of Courts.”
The Press Democrat (Santa Rosa, CA)
Saturday’s Letters to the Editor
Published: Saturday, February 12, 2011 at 3:00 a.m.
Last Modified: Friday, February 11, 2011 at 3:39 p.m.
Special treatment?
EDITOR: I’m writing about the juvenile who received probation for the high-profile hit-and-run fatal accident (“Cloverdale teen gets probation in hit-run,” Thursday).

There’s an old saying: “Boys in sports stay out of courts.” Given the history of this case and a prior fatal accident involving a juvenile driver in Sonoma County, that should be changed to “boys in sports stay out of juvenile hall.”
99.5 WYCD (Detroit, MI)
Kids In Sports Stay Out Of Courts!
July 23, 2012 3:30 PM
A friend and father of 3 boys told me years ago, “Kids in sports, stay out of courts!” Which was his way of saying that he felt it was important to keep his boys busy playing sorts, so they would stay out of trouble. I agree, that when kids have too much free time, and not enough focus on after school activities, it can lead to trouble in one way or another
Albany (NY) Times Union
Cermak: Historic Little League coach deserves honor
Published 8:28 pm, Monday, May 13, 2013
Mike Maietta, manager of the 1954 Schenectady Little League World Series champions, may be gone, but there is a movement to make sure he’s not forgotten.
“Mike dedicated his entire life to city youth and baseball. The city owes him a huge debt of gratitude,’’ Riggi said. “Mike was the poster boy for that old slogan, ‘Kids in sports stay out of courts.’ ‘’