“Keep your guns—Come to Texas”

Immediately after New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law a gun control bill, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott advertised in New York:
The advertisements were paid by Abbott’s political committee and were not paid by the State of Texas. In July 2013, Abbott announced that he was running for Governor of Texas.
Wikipedia: Greg Abbott
Gregory Wayne “Greg” Abbott (born November 13, 1957) is an American lawyer and politician. He is the 50th Attorney General of Texas, and is the second Republican since Reconstruction to serve in that role. Abbott was sworn in on December 2, 2002, following John Cornyn’s election to the U.S. Senate. Prior to assuming the office of attorney general, Abbott was a justice on the Texas Supreme Court, a position to which he was initially appointed in 1995 by then-Governor George W. Bush. He is noted outside the state of Texas for successfully advocating the ability of the state of Texas to display the Ten Commandments in front of the state Capitol in Austin in a 2005 United States Supreme Court case known as Van Orden v. Perry. He is a member of the Republican Party.
He is currently running for Governor of Texas in 2014.
Here in Texas, you will have the liberty and the opportunity to achieve your dreams. On top of that, we have no income tax, yet still manage to have a multi-billion dollar budget surplus.
We have right to work laws and a reasonable regulatory environment. Texas has created more than 275,000 jobs in the last year alone! And we’ll fight like hell to protect your rights.
You’ll also get to keep more of what you earn and use some of that extra money to buy more ammo.
I hope to see you soon in Texas. In the meantime, sign up to show your support for our second amendment rights.
Greg Abbott
Attorney General of Texas
Whitney Neal
Keep Your Guns - Come To Texas https://apps.facebook.com/336273509819725/ … h/t @GregAbbott_TX #nra #texas
12:02 PM - 16 Jan 13
The Daily Beast
Texas Calls All Gun-Toting Yanks
Jan 16, 2013 1:14 PM EST
A strange new ad promises gun-loving New Yorkers their firearms will be safe in the Lonestar State. David Freedlander reports.
Here’s a silver lining for gun-loving New Yorkers despairing over their state’s new landmark gun-control law: Texas!
An advertisement running online in the New York City and Albany area is taking advantage of the law—which bans assault weapons, limits the size of magazines and requires universal background check—to encourage people to pack up their firearms and take them deep into the heart of Texas, where no one would dare trample on your Second Amendment rights.
“WANTED,” the ad reads in a mock-up of old-style Wild West posters. “LAW ABIDING NEW YORK GUN OWNERS LOOKING FOR LOWER TAXES AND GREATER OPPORTUNITY.”
The ad is the brainchild of Greg Abbot, a three-term Republican Texas attorney general who is widely considered to be considering a run for governor in 2014 if the current governor decides not to seek re-election.
New York (NY) Times
Texas Attorney General to New Yorkers: Come on Down, With Guns
Published: January 20, 2013
AUSTIN, Tex. — Attention New Yorkers: Texas wants you. And your guns.
Last week, the day after Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York approved a broad package of gun-control measures that made New York’s tough gun laws even tougher, the Texas attorney general, Greg Abbott, began running Internet advertisements in Manhattan and Albany asking New York gun owners to consider moving to Texas.
TX Att. Gen.: “Keep Your Guns, Come to TX”... hrs after another school shooting (January 23, 2013)
Tiffany Ondracek
Published on Jan 25, 2013
Texas Attorney General: “Keep Your Guns, Come to Texas”... because guns equal jobs? (January 23, 2013)
K. Jones
Keep your guns. Come to Texas. A beacon of freedom in the darkness. #RedNationRising #PJNET pic.twitter.com/T2gn2sYvRk
8:19 PM - 26 Aug 13