Just Over Broke (“job” backronym)

The word “job” is not an acronym for anything, but some have used the backronym (back acronym) of “just over broke.” The backronym has been applied to minimum wage and other low-paying jobs.
“Just over broke” has been cited in print since at least 1989. “Journey Of the Broke” is another “job” backronym.
Google News Archive
25 April 1989, Schenectady (NY) Gazette, pg. 36, col. 2 classified ad:
Is that what your last job meant to you?
5 December 1990, Rockford (IL) Register Star, Letters to the Editor, pg. 5B, col. 2:
Ask Dr. Chrysler
When auto workers make more money than nurses, it’s time to get our priorities in “proper” order. Nursing as a “JOB” means Just Over Broke. Nursing as an LPN (which I happen to be) means Least Paid Nurse.
Ms. Helen L. Smith, Rockford.
14 September 1991, Winnipeg (Manitoba) Free Press, pg. 51, col. 6 classified ad:
Just over broke?
Google Books
The Spirit of a Man:
A Vision of Transformation for Black Men and the Women Who Love Them

By Iyanla Vanzant
San Francisco, CA: HarperSanFrancisco
Pg. 221:
An acronym for job is Just Over Broke.
New York (NY) Times
Invisible Hand Now Clamping Onto Wallets; Gloomy Economic News Takes a Toll on Optimism
Published: August 12, 2001
‘Do you know what ‘job’ means?’’ Mr. Smith asked. ‘‘Not many people know this, but it stands for something: ‘Just Over Broke.’ When the economy was good people around here had jobs, but they didn’t have careers. For people who have never had anything, that job is great. But the job isn’t worth anything. Once you’ve put in your 25 years, guess what, you’re broke again. And you’re out there looking for another job.’‘
Aimless Thought
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
J.O.B. Just Over Broke!
To me, the word JOB means Just Over Broke! We all are….well most of us are, very happy to have our jobs, because is sustains our way of life.
Google Books
Tired of Just Over Broke - Job - Joy of Business
By Joseph Osborne and Bill Schoenleber
Xlibris Corporation
7/20/2011 @ 6:00PM |3,743 views
Four Reasons Why Your Small Business Is A JOB (Just Over Broke)
Adrienne Graham, Contributor
I love small business. Nothing is more innovative, flexible or nimble as a small business. It transitions you from being a corporate employee to fulfilling your entrepreneurial dreams.