
The "Jumbotron" television screen (from the word "jumbo" and the brand name of Sony's "Trinitron" screens) caused a sensation when it debuted in Times Square in late 1990. It has broadcast Rudy Giuliani saying "We can kick your city's ass!"

I don't know what's happened to it, but a PANASONIC screen is there now on the One Times Square building.

Wikipedia: JumboTron
A JumboTron is a large-screen television using technology developed by Sony, typically used in sports stadiums and concert venues to show close up shots of the event. Although JumboTron is a registered trademark owned by the Sony Corporation, the word jumbotron is often used by the public as a genericized trademark. Sony JumboTrons ceased being sold in 2001, when the company decided to exit the business.

Manufactured by Sony, the JumboTron is recognized as one of the largest vacuum fluorescent displays ever manufactured. It is not an LED (light-emitting diode) display — each display element is composed of 3 or 6 small CRTs (cathode ray tubes), each of which is one color of a pixel. Sony displayed one of the earliest versions at the Expo '85 World's Fair in Tsukuba. Sony creative director Yasuo Kuroki is credited with the development of the JumboTron. Eventually, even JumboTron Systems adopted LED technology as it phased out CRT based systems. LED based systems have about 10 times the lifespan of CRT based systems, a key reason for the changeover.

Wikipedia: Trinitron
Trinitron is Sony's brand name for its line of aperture grille based CRTs used in televisions and computer monitors. One of the first truly new television systems to enter the market since the 1950s, the Trinitron was announced in 1966 to wide acclaim for its bright images, about 25% brighter than common shadow mask televisions of the same era. Constant improvement in the basic technology and attention to overall quality allowed Sony to charge a premium for Trinitron devices into the 1990s.

Patent protection on the basic Trinitron design ran out in 1996, and it quickly faced a number of competitors at much lower price points. Sony responded by introducing their flat-screen FD Trinitron designs (WEGA), which maintained their premier position in the market into the early 2000s. However, these designs were surpassed relatively quickly by plasma and LCD designs. Sony removed the last Trinitron televisions from their product catalogs in 2006, and ceased production in early 2008. Video monitors are the only remaining Trinitron products being produced by Sony, at a low production rate, although the basic technology can still be found in downmarket televisions from 3rd parties.

The name Trinitron was derived from trinity, meaning the union of three, and tron from electron tube, after the way that the Trinitron combined the three separate electron guns of other CRT designs into one.

16 January 1991, New York Times, pg. B1:
Sony set up the Jumbotron after realizing that a building planned for the north end of Times Square would block the Sony sign, a landmark in neon since 1971. The company says it spent between $2 million and $3 million on the equipment. The picture elements - Trinilites which contain the red, green and blue cells needed to make a color image - cost $125 apiece. There are so many of them that Sony built in air-conditioners to keep the screen cool in summer.

(U.S. Patent and Trademark Office)
Goods and Services IC 009. US 021. G & S: LARGE TELEVISION SCREENS. FIRST USE: 19850900. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 19850900
Serial Number 73782040
Filing Date February 21, 1989
Current Filing Basis 1A
Original Filing Basis 1A
Published for Opposition August 1, 1989
Registration Number 1561986
Registration Date October 24, 1989
Attorney of Record ROBERT B.G. HOROWITZ
Prior Registrations 0869992;1330734;AND OTHERS
Type of Mark TRADEMARK
Affidavit Text SECT 15. SECT 8 (6-YR).
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