“Jews is news”

There are only about 14 million Jews in the world, or about 0.19% of the world’s population. However, many news stories (and Internet discussions) involve Jews. “Jews is news” is a journalistic slogan.
“‘Jews is news’ is the saying in the journalistic world” was cited in 1983. “The columnist, Charles Krauthammer, said it beautifully: ‘Jews is news’ Whatever a Jew or better yet the Jewish State, Israel, does, it always grabs the headlines” was written in 2000.
“Jews are news” is a similar saying.
Wikipedia: Jews
According to the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics there were 13,421,000 Jews worldwide in 2009, roughly 0.19% of the world’s population at the time.
Google Books
But There Are No Jews in England
BY Stephen Aris
New York, NY: Stein and Day
1971, ©1970
Pg. 11:
Historically, British Jews, unlike their more self-confident American brothers and sisters, have preferred to maintain a “low profile.” “It is never good when Jews is news,” they say.
Google Books
Major Trends in Formative Judaism
By Jacob Neusner
Chico, CA: Scholars Press
Pg. 146:
If, further, we take into account the instant recognition and appeal of Jewish topics (“Jews is news” is the saying in the journalistic world), whether involving the State of Israel or dealing with the destruction of the Jews of Europe in World War II (“the Holocaust”), the facts remain constant. Jewish themes occupy a prominent place in national TV, attract interest for novels and movies of mass appeal, and otherwise give the Jews a prominence in American life that their numbers, by themselves, scarcely warrant.
Published: November 4, 2000
History Crash Course #1: Why Study History
Jewish history teaches not only to avoid past mistakes, but to understand where destiny is leading us.

by Rabbi Ken Spiro      
2)The columnist, Charles Krauthammer, said it beautifully: “Jews is news” Whatever a Jew or better yet the Jewish State, Israel, does, it always grabs the headlines. The double standard to which the world holds Israel is nothing short of supernatural. The fact that two thirds of all U.N. resolutions passed since 1990 have condemned Israel is classic illustration of this point. No one seems to care that Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, is surrounded by 22 non-democratic, totalitarian Arab States with little or no human rights or free speech.
Vanity Fair   
JUNE 2003
France’s Scarlet Letter
After 15 years at France 3, Weill-Raynal was well aware of the slanted coverage concerning the Palestinian-Israeli struggle. “We are not Israel,” he told me. “The motto ‘Jews is news’ is a joke around here.” Members of his family had been deported to the Nazi death camps from Drancy, but he was closer in spirit to the “assimilated” Jews of central Paris.
The Augean Stables
Jews is News: What Percentage of those killed in conflicts since 1950 died in the Arab-Israeli conflict?
The answer is, about .06% or 1 in 1700 deaths. Whereas 11 million Muslims have been killed in these conflicts, only .3% died in the Arab-Israeli conflict and over 90% were killed by fellow Muslims. The Arab Israeli conflict ranks 49th in the number of dead since 1950.
The Talmudic Blog
Times: Page One Man Bites Dog Story of the Week - Jew Loves Pope Pius XII
Jews is news every day and when a Jew loves Pope Pius XII, that is a front page feature in the Times.
dave schechter
There’s an old saying that Jews is news . . . at least in this debate asking questions that will make some of the news.
9:30 PM - 16 Oct 2012
The American Interest
Published on: October 2, 2013
Once Again, Jews Is News
Yesterday’s press carried the results of a Pew poll on “identity” issues among American Jews. The New York Times entitled its page A11 take, written by Laurie Goodstein, “Poll Shows Major Shift In Identity of U.S. Jews”—read it for yourself to get the full flavor of the story.
The American Interest
Published on: November 8, 2013
Jews Is News II
This is not a post, dear reader, so much as a referral.  On November 5 Tablet Magazine ran a feature the editors there asked me to prepare.  It can be accessed at tabletmagazine.com.  I foretold of this in my October 2 post, “Once Again, Jews Is News.”
Jewish Exponent
For Jews in Crisis, We Are There
FEBRUARY 11, 2015
By: Betsy R. Sheerr
The old adage — Jews is News — has taken on a new life in the last year. Israel’s war with Hamas this summer, rising anti-Semitism in Europe and the equally distressing but less-recognized plight of Jews caught up in Ukraine’s ongoing conflict have all made headlines.