“Jews are news”

There are only about 14 million Jews in the world, or about 0.19% of the world’s population. However, many news stories (and Internet discussions) involve Jews. “Jews are news” is a journalistic slogan.
“‘Jews are news” was cited in print in 1939 and was the title of a 1944 book. “It is axiomatic that ‘Jews are news,’ mostly because of the large number of Jews in major American urban areas who have an abiding interest in Israel” was written in 1985.
“Jews is news” is a similar saying.
Wikipedia: Jews
According to the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics there were 13,421,000 Jews worldwide in 2009, roughly 0.19% of the world’s population at the time.
OCLC WorldCat record
Jews are news!
Author: A C Crouch
Publisher: Leicester, N. Wolsey Ltd. [1944]
Edition/Format:   Book : English
Google Books
Double Vision:
How the press distorts America’s view of the Middle East

By Zeʼev Chafets
New York, NY: Morrow
Pg. 220:
It is axiomatic that “Jews are news,” mostly because of the large number of Jews in major American urban areas who have an abiding interest in Israel.
Google Books
Reluctant Witnesses:
Jews and the Christian Imagination

By Stephen R. Hayne
Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press
Pg. 1:
“Jews are news.” This phrase is sometimes offered as a facetious explanation for the international attention directed at events in and around the State of Israel. It is a half-joking justification for the incommensurate scrutiny Israel seems to receive in the news media. But though the words “Jews are news” have a modern ring, Jews actually have held a position of unique prominence in the collective imagination of the Christian West for centuries.
Google Books
People Like Us:
Misrepresenting the Middle East

By Joris Luyendijk
Berkeley, CA: Soft Skull Press
Pg. 92:
I once asked a TV colleague back at the studios what he thought news was. He gave an embarrassed grin: “If it bleeds, it leads. (...) Dead whites are bigger news than dead blacks or Asians, and dead Christians are bigger news than dead people of other faiths—except that, as American colleagues pun: Jews are news. So an attack in Jerusalem could make the headlines, but a small bomb in Algiers or Delhi won’t make the broadcast.”
NBR (New Zealand)
Peer pressure at the ASB Classic
Jews are news — so runs a basic axiom of the media business. But what kind of news is it, really, when nine protesters turn up to harass a young Jewish woman in the country to play tennis at the ASB Classic in Auckland?
Google Books
Antisemitism Explained
By Steven K. Baum
Lanham, MD: University Press of America
Pg. 7:
Chapter Three offers a communications model of antisemitic belief transmission with a focus on why it is the case that, as journalist Charles Krauthammer quipped, “the Jews are news.” The reader is introduced to key marketing concepts that explain why everyone knows it’s the Jews.
Jewish Journal (Los Angeles, CA)
So, how many Jews will vote for Mitt Romney?
by Shmuel Rosner
July 5, 2012 | 2:52 pm
Here is a truism we all already know: Jews are news. The fact is, no matter how tiny the American Jewish community might be — between 1.5 and 2 percent of the population — the battle for Jewish votes will be extensively reported and analyzed.
Tablet magazine
Q&A With Abe Foxman, Head of the Anti-Defamation League
The crusader against anti-Semitism on why 2013 was bad for the Jews—and why fixing the world starts with fixing ourselves

By David Samuels | December 20, 2013 12:00 AM
Number two is, I would say, “Jews are news.” So, we stand out. We’re under a microscope. And in fact, because of this perception that we are better or we are chosen, and we are smarter and we work harder, when this ugliness appears on us, it’s bigger—it’s magnified. I remember I wrote a letter to the New York Times when the Madoff case happened, you know, they wrote about his Jewishness in the first story, even though his Jewishness had no relevance to that case at all.
Google Books
On Art and Artists
By T.G. Rosenthal
London: Uicorn Press Ltd.
Pg. ?:
In the same year Lewis (Wyndham Lewis, in 1939—ed.) published The Jews: Are They Human? In his Foreword he wrote:
‘Jews are news.’ It is not an enviable light that beats upon the Chosen People.
Ouriel Ohayon
“Why the disproportionate coverage of Israel? “Jews are news” “ http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/aug/07/gaza-coverage-rise-antisemitic-attacks-europe
5:32 PM - 7 Aug 2014