Jerrytron (Cowboys Stadium television screen, named after owner Jerry Jones)

The Cowboys Stadium television screen is the largest high-definition television screen in the world. It’s 90 feet off the ground; in the first pre-season football game on August 21, 2009, a punter hit the screen with a football.
The television screen was named the “Jerrytron” (or “JerryTron” or “Jerry-tron”) after Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, with a “JerryTron” citation as early as March 16, 2009. The “-tron” citations for large screens began in the 1990s with New York City’s “Jumbotron” (taken from Sony’s “Trinitron” brand name and the word “jumbo”) and continued in Texas in 2006 with the University of Texas at Austin’s “Godzillatron.”
Wikipedia: Cowboys Stadium
Cowboys Stadium is a new domed stadium with a retractable roof in Arlington, Texas, for the National Football League’s Dallas Cowboys. It replaced the open-air Texas Stadium, which opened in 1971, as the Cowboys’ home. It was completed on May 29, 2009 and seats 80,000, but is expandable to seat up to 100,000. Cowboys Stadium is the largest domed stadium in the world.
The new stadium also includes a retractable roof, glass doors allowing each end zone to be opened, and a center-hung video display board. It is the largest high-definition television screen in the world. The 160 by 72 feet (49 m × 22 m), 11,520-square-foot (1,070 m2) scoreboard replaces the 8,736 sq ft (812 m2) screen that opened in 2009 at the renovated Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City, Missouri as the world’s largest.
Wikipedia: Jerry Jones
Jerral “Jerry” Jones (born October 13, 1942, in Little Rock, Arkansas) is the owner and general manager of the Dallas Cowboys NFL franchise and the Dallas Desperados Arena Football League franchise.
Wikipedia: Trinitron
Trinitron is Sony’s brand name for its line of aperture grille based CRTs used in televisions and computer monitors. One of the first truly new television systems to enter the market since the 1950s, the Trinitron was announced in 1966 to wide acclaim for its bright images, about 25% brighter than common shadow mask televisions of the same era. Constant improvement in the basic technology and attention to overall quality allowed Sony to charge a premium for Trinitron devices into the 1990s.
Patent protection on the basic Trinitron design ran out in 1996, and it quickly faced a number of competitors at much lower price points. Sony responded by introducing their flat-screen FD Trinitron designs (WEGA), which maintained their premier position in the market into the early 2000s. However, these designs were surpassed relatively quickly by plasma and LCD designs. Sony removed the last Trinitron televisions from their product catalogs in 2006, and ceased production in early 2008. Video monitors are the only remaining Trinitron products being produced by Sony, at a low production rate, although the basic technology can still be found in downmarket televisions from 3rd parties.
The name Trinitron was derived from trinity, meaning the union of three, and tron from electron tube, after the way that the Trinitron combined the three separate electron guns of other CRT designs into one.
Its a Bird, Its a Plane, No its……..
Its us!!! At the Cowboys games in the New Cowboys Stadium!!!
One last item—the big black rectangle hanging in the middle of the field is the largest HD televsion in the world. It will run from the 20 yard line to the other 20 yard line. It is already be informally refered to as “JerryTron”! I believe the seats are in line with one of the goal lines on the field on the plane of the endzone. With the assistance of JerryTron instant replays and even live action will be better than ever! It should be an amazing experience and I am eager to experience and share it personally—as well as to share it with friends and family over the next 3 decades!
By Jason, March 16, 2009, 1:05 pm o’clock
We’ll get our first glimpse of the Jerrytron tomorrow
by rotoinfo on May 20, 2009
There’s footage of the 60-yard big screens’ test runs on YouTube, but the local media will gets its first live look tomorrow afternoon.
Sports News Daily
Jerry-tron is Mat McBriar proof - maybe
May 21st, 2009 - 6:18pm - Dallas Morning News
A couple of years ago at training camp in San Antonio, Pro Bowler Mat McBriar spent one early part of practice hammering punt after punt toward the Alamodome roof and the scoreboard.
They varied the height as McBriar blasted away. A few times he hit the scoreboard. Most times he didn’t.
Fort Worth (TX) Star-Telegram
Washington deserves respect; Pacman deserves nothing
Posted on Sun, Jun. 14, 2009
FOURTH SHOT: I can’t imagine how a fabulous Jerry Tron (or is it Jumbo Tron) can go fourth-and-long on the big play to win the NFC Championship Game.
— Millie Williams, Fort Worth
BUCKSHOT: That’s why they pay Jason Garrett the big bucks, Millie.
Dallas (TX) Morning News - Dallas Cowboys Blog
Jerry Jones: The scoreboard isn’t budging
11:23 PM Fri, Aug 21, 2009
Tim MacMahon/Blogger
It didn’t take long for a punter to prove Jerry Jones wrong. Titans rookie A.J. Trapasso bounced a ball of the Jerrytron during the third quarter.
If you thought Jerry Jones would react by raising the center-hung structure, well, you thought wrong.
Jerry pointed out that his $1.2 billion stadium was built to league specifications. He wouldn’t even entertain the possibility of cranking the electronic monstrosity that holds the 60-yard big screens up a few feet.