Jargarita (jar + margarita)

A “Jargarita” or “jargarita” (jar + margarita) is a margarita drink served in a jar, such as a Mason jar. The advantage this has is that the drink can be made to a larger size and can also be stored easily in a refrigerator.
“Jargaritas” have been served at Manhattan’s Sweet and Vicious (5 Spring Street) since at least 2009. The “jargarita” concept was, perhaps, invented independently by several people and has been popular on blogs since at least 2011 and 2012.
Guest of a Guest
NYC’s Social Media Reunited At Last At “Obliterati” Party
By Rachelle Hruska
May 22, 2009 3:02 PM
Last night was a chance for “our fellow writers, editors, producers, website content-generators” to spend a night away from Mediabistro’s job page and drink frozen “Jargaritas” (margaritas in a jar) together.
Guest of a Guest
Obliterati Takes A Backyard Break With Jargaritas
Jul 31, 2009 10:52 AM
Last night, A Midsummer Night’s Obliterati offered a break from the dog days in the backyard of Sweet and Vicious. Enjoying Nolita’s warm summer evening with “Jargaritas,” or jugs of margaritas (what a wonderful idea), and some of new media’s usual suspects, the crowd smiled for the frequent and popular series event which always makes for a festive happy hour and break from, you know, the world.
Family Chic
Jello Jars and “Jargaritas” For Alfresco Fun
When packing up a meal to eat alfresco, the convenience of a single serve package is hard to resist – however – the additional cost and unnecessary trash is a turn off for me. Here are some earth-friendly ways to pack up single servings for a meal out in the open air…
Pack up a cooler of “Jargaritas” – margaritas prepared in 12 oz. Ball jars. You can make these in advance – when you’re ready to serve, just give them a shake and drink right out the jar. You could also serve iced tea or lemonade in these jars.
See What I’m Saying
‘Jar’garitas (see what I did there?)
In food on August 14, 2010 at 4:52 pm
I wanted to make sure my vitamin C intake was up to snuff, as no cold is lamer than a summer cold – so gauche, so out of season.  And scurvy is not attractive (just do an image search – it’s a dentistry nightmare).  Limes worked for those ‘Brits’ (slang for Limeys) and I had a whole bowl of them.  So I mixed up these margaritas in a jar and served them in jars so I could cleverly dub them “Jargaritas”.
My Drunk Kitchen, Ep. 7: Tacos 
Uploaded by MyHarto on Jun 2, 2011
those jargaritas messed her up!
RainbowPaint 1 day ago
[Wikipedia: My Drunk Kitchen
07 “Tacos”
June 2, 2011
Hart curbs her drunk craving for Mexican food while drinking jargaritas (margaritas in a mason jar).]
The Adirondack Chick
Friday, June 3, 2011
Jargaritas at Sweet & Vicious in New York city
How fun is this?!
They are jargaritas—a frozen margarita in a mason jar style glass with a handle. It’s the signature drink at Sweet and Vicious in the Nolita section of Manhattan.
Uploaded by spicymarmalade1 on Jul 16, 2011
Crossroads of America
Monday, September 5, 2011
Yep, just a good ole margarita, served in a Mason jar.
Bluebonnets + Brownies
March 12, 2012
One of my fondest memories from last year’s Big Summer Potluck was standing in the kitchen, surveying the chaos of the Friday night party, when Colleen from Souffle Bombay flew by me with a big smile on her face and a little frozen jar of brilliance that she thrust into my hands as she walked past.
I can’t remember if we called them Jargaritas that night, or if it’s something James came up with later, so you’ll have to forgive me if it was Colleen or someone at BSP that came up with that name and I’m not giving them credit.
Here’s why Jargaritas are so brilliant: It takes just moments to mix the concoction and distribute it among 12 Mason jars. Place the jars (in their box, for easy transport) in the freezer, and then leave them there.
Whenever you fancy a little slushy libation, just mosey on over to the freezer, grab a jar, shake it, unscrew the lid, and pop a straw in.
Bobbi’s Kozy Kitchen
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Tipsy Tuesday - Watermelon Blackberry Jargaritas
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
1 small seedless watermelon
1 small package fresh blackberries (I used 2 but I made several drinks)
Grand Marnier
Cocktail Shaker (if you have one)
Small jars (or glasses)