“I’ve never seen a tombstone that said, ‘Died from not forwarding a chain email’”

“Died From Not Forwarding That Email to 10 People” is a jocular saying about chain emails that has been printed on many fake tombstones. “I’ve never seen a tombstone that read: ‘Died from not forwarding that text to seven friends.’ and I think there’s a reason for that” was posted on Twitter on November 16, 2010. “I’ve never seen a tombstone that read: ‘Died from not forwarding that text to ten friends’” was posted on Twitter on January 9, 2011.
Wikipedia: Chain letter
A chain letter is a message that attempts to convince the recipient to make a number of copies of the letter and then pass them on to a certain number of recipients (either a predefined number or as many as possible). The “chain” is actually an exponentially growing pyramid (a tree graph) that cannot be sustained indefinitely. Common methods used in chain letters include emotionally manipulative stories, get-rich-quick pyramid schemes, and the exploitation of superstition to threaten the recipient with bad luck or even physical violence or death if he or she “breaks the chain” and refuses to adhere to the conditions set out in the letter.
Some email messages sent as chain letters may seem fairly harmless, for example, a grammar school student wishing to see how many people can receive his/her email for a science project, but can grow exponentially and be hard to stop. Messages sometimes include phony promises from companies or wealthy individuals (such as Bill Gates) promising a monetary reward to everyone who receives the message. They may also be politically motivated, such as “Save the Scouts, forward this to as many friends as possible” or a concept that a popular TV or radio show may be forced off the air. Some, like the “Hawaiian Good Luck Totem” which has spread in thousands of forms, threaten users with bad luck if not forwarded. There are many forms of chain email that threaten death or the taking of one’s soul by telling tales of others’ deaths, such as the Katu Lata Kulu chain email, stating that if it is not forwarded, the receivers of the message will be killed by the spirit.
Rahul Baskaran
I’ve never seen a tombstone that read: “Died from not forwarding that text to seven friends.” and I think there’s a reason for that.
6:00 AM - 16 Nov 2010
RT @FreddyAmazin: I’ve never seen a tombstone that read: “Died from not forwarding that text to ten friends.”
12:56 PM - 9 Jan 2011
Matty J Ade
I’ve never seen a tombstone that read: “Died from not forwarding that text to ten friends.”
11:16 PM - 30 Jan 2011
Dear ignorant idiots, I’ve never read a tombstone that said, “Died from not forwarding a chain email to ten people.”
2:02 AM - 4 Apr 2011
Christian Onassis™
I have never read a tombstone that said: Died from not forwarding thoes ten chain emails to friends.
10:39 PM - 27 May 2011 from Denver, CO
Has anyone actually ever died from not forwarding a chain email? I’d like to know.
9:45 AM - 29 May 2011
Dear Chain Letter, I’ve never seen a tombstone that read “Died from not forwarding that email” Sincerely, You’re not fooling anyone..
7:56 AM - 22 Jul 2011
Matt Garvey
I’ve never seen a gravestone that said “died from not forwarding a chain email to ten friends”
7:13 AM - 3 Aug 2011
Relatively Interesting
Tombstone: Died From Not Forwarding That Email to 10 People
September 14, 2012
This is the tombstone from the guy who did not forward that email to 10 people, even though he was clearly warned at the bottom of the email.
FOUND ON 2016-08-03 02:59:22 BY ME.ME
I’ve never seen a tombstone that said “Died from not forwarding a chain email”
7:48 PM - 21 Mar 2018