“It’s ironic that pregnant women can only order virgin drinks”

“Virgin” drinks have no alcohol. Pregnant women are told not to drink alcohol during the pregnancy, so these women (not virgins) often consume “virgin” drinks. Many people find this to be ironic.
“Pregnant ladies have to order virgin drinks” was posted on Twitter by @bigethan@sfba.social on September 19, 2008. “RT @ladyslippers: Ironic that pregnant chicks have to drink virgin cocktails” was posted on Twitter by Eric Giesbrecht on August 19, 2019. “It’s ironic that pregnant women can only order virgin drinks” was posted on Twitter by Nikki Glaser on May 22, 2010. “It’s ironic that pregnant women order virgin cocktails at the bar” was posted on Reddit—Showerthoughts on August 24, 2015. “Ironic that when you’re pregnant you order virgin drinks” was posted on Reddit—Showerthoughts on March 5, 2023.
Pregnant ladies have to order virgin drinks.
1:37 PM · Sep 19, 2008
Dan Messing
It’s funny that when a woman is pregnant she has to drink virgin drinks.
6:25 PM · May 4, 2009
emily ruth gulka
when you’re preggo you have to drink virgin cocktails. that is called irony. & no, i’m not pregnant.
12:10 AM · Jun 11, 2009
Eric Giesbrecht
RT @ladyslippers:
Ironic that pregnant chicks have to drink virgin cocktails.
4:27 PM · Aug 19, 2009
Elaine Rose
Being pregnant means having to order “virgin” drinks. Am I the only one who giggles at this?
8:31 AM · Mar 10, 2010
Nikki Glaser
it’s ironic that pregnant women can only order virgin drinks.
10:38 PM · May 22, 2010
Nic Gilson 💙
How ironic that when you’re pregnant, you have to drink virgin cocktails!
12:10 PM · Aug 2, 2010
Ryan Sausage
Is it ironic that pregnant women should only have virgin drinks?
3:03 AM · Jan 19, 2011
Ross Thibodeaux
I think it’s ironic that pregnant women are only allowed to have virgin drinks.
1:44 AM · Mar 26, 2011
Paul DeNoia
I think it’s ironic that pregnant women have to drink virgin beverages.
5:07 PM · Dec 17, 2011
old gravy
Pregnant women order virgin drinks. #lolz
1:38 PM · Apr 9, 2012
Its a little ironic that pregnant women have to order virgin drinks.
6:47 PM · May 16, 2013
Posted by u/JackleBee June 7, 2014
When pregnant women want to drink by the pool, they have to order virgin drinks.
Posted by u/Nateomc June 17, 2014
Pregnant woman are advised to drink “Virgin” drinks.
Posted by u/fannypakgurl69 August 8, 2014
When a pregnant woman goes to a bar, she orders virgin drinks…
Posted by u/Tbot117 August 24, 2015
It’s ironic that pregnant women order virgin cocktails at the bar.
Posted by u/wiscosaurus August 30, 2015
Pregnant women order virgin drinks.
Posted by u/CourageKitten June 25, 2016
When you’re pregnant you have to drink virgin drinks.
Posted by u/Blueskittle101 July 17, 2017
As a pregnant woman, it feels ironic ordering virgin cocktails
Posted by u/sunglasses619 August 30, 2017
It’s ironic that pregnant women drink virgin cocktails
Posted by u/cassiecas88 October 19, 2020
When you’re pregnant you can only order virgin drinks…
Posted by u/bethanyygrace March 5, 2023
Ironic that when you’re pregnant you order virgin drinks…