“Inflation is when you find that your nest egg won’t even make an omelet”

A financial “nest egg” is money that is saved up—usually for an event such as retirement. Inflation makes money worth less and can reduce money that is saved. “Inflation is when you find that your nest egg won’t even make an omelet” has been cited in print since at least August 1974, when entertainment columnist Earl Wilson credited the line to Bill Copeland.
29 August 1974, Pampa (TX) Daily News, Earl Wilson column, pg. 1, col. 1:
Inflation (explains Bill Copeland) is when you find your nest egg won’t even make an omelet.
12 September 1974, The Morning Herald (Uniontown, PA), “Across The Desk” by Jim Yadamec, pg. 4, col. 2:
“Inflation,” claims a friend, “is when you find out your nest egg won’t even make an omelet.”
Google Groups: 24hoursupport.helpdesk
Brad Hunk
Inflation is when you find that your nest egg won’t even make an omelet.
Google Groups: alc.suicide
Inflation is when you find that your nest egg won’t even make an omelet.
Harpreet Singh
Inflation is when you find that your nest egg won’t even make an omelette.
8:54 AM - 22 Sep 11
Seniors Boomer Rumours
Re: Questions to ponder on Sat Sep 01, 2012 9:56 am
Inflation is when your nest egg won’t even make an omelette.