“In a democracy, your vote counts; in feudalism, your count votes”

“In a democracy, it’s your vote that counts; in feudalism, it’s your count that votes” (or, “In a democracy, your vote counts; in feudalism, your count votes”) has been cited in print since at least 1990. The humorous play upon words has been printed on many Internet joke lists.
Feudalism, It’s your Count that votes!
Bumper Sticker
Google Groups: rec.humor.funny
Newsgroups: rec.humor.funny
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Brad Templeton)
Date: 18 Mar 90 08:25:08 GMT
Local: Sun, Mar 18 1990 2:25 am
Subject: More of the Oneliner file
From: Mogens Jallberg

Subject: democracy vs. feudalism
In democracy its your vote that counts
In feudalism its your count that votes
Google Groups: rec.humor
Newsgroups: rec.humor
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (The Rink)
Date: Sun, 1 Mar 1992 02:58:56 GMT
Local: Sat, Feb 29 1992 8:58 pm
Subject: quotes
In democracy it’s your vote that counts;
in feudalism it’s your count that votes.
Google Books 
December 1993, The Rotarian, pg. 64, col. 3:
Political definitions:
Democracy: Where it’s your vote that counts.   
Feudalism: Where it’s your count that votes.
Google Groups: rec.org.sca
Newsgroups: rec.org.sca
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Jerod Husvar)
Date: 1995/08/22
Subject: [GENERAL INFO] Medieval News Of The Day
Seen on a Pennsic tent-wall…
Democracy:  Your Vote Counts
Feudalism:  Your Count Votes
Google Books
My Little Bit of Nonsense
By Charlie Walker
Wakefield: C. Walker
Pg. 23:
In a democracy your vote counts. In feudalism your count votes.
Google Books
He Who Laughs, Lasts
By Anson R. Nash, Jr.
Pg. 211:
...in democracy your vote counts; in feudalism your count votes?