“In a bear market, money returns to its rightful owners” (Wall Street proverb)

In a bear market (a recession or a depression), many investors lose money. A Wall Street proverb is: “In a bear market, money returns to its rightful owner(s).”
The adage is cited in print from at least 1994 and is of unknown origin.
Google Groups: misc.invest.stocks
Newsgroups: misc.invest.stocks
Date: Sat, 9 Jul 94 00:28:50 -0500
Local: Sat, Jul 9 1994 12:28 am
Subject: Re: Unwitting believers in the Efficient Market and Random Walk
They say that in a depression money returns to its rightful owners.
Google Groups: soc.culture.sri.lanka
Newsgroups: soc.culture.sri-lanka
From: Umberto Gui

Date: 1996/11/13
Subject: Re: Tamil Vellala Catholic men behaving Badly
At times of inflation and economic booms everyone thinks they are moving up and social movement is taking place. But have you read Terry Smith’s Accounting for Growth. Page 3
Definition of a recession: A Time when money is returned to its rightful owners.
Google Groups: uk.politics.misc
Newsgroups: uk.politics.misc
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (abelard)
Date: 1997/01/29
Subject: Re: National debt (was Re: RIGHT to SILENCE)
another def. of a recession is…
when money returns to its rightful owners… 
12 October 1998, Richmond (VA) Post-Dispatch:
Guy Chance, director of marketing strategy at Scott & Stringfellow Inc., recalled an old Wall Street maxim during a recent selling spree: “This is when money returns to its rightful owners.”
Google Books
Boob Jubilee: The Cultural Politics of the New Economy
By Thomas Frank and David Mulcahey
Published by W. W. Norton & Company
Pg. 267:
As they say on the Street, it’s during bear markets that money returns to its rightful owners.
Monday, September 3, 2007
in a bear market, the money returns to its rightful owners.
— Facebook | Josh Freeland
GV Financial letter (April 2008)
Legendary. financier Bernard Baruch is often credited with having said, “In a bear market, money returns to. its rightful owner.”